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Renault Clio 1.8 RS "WILLIAMS"

  Renault Clio William
Hi everyone. I'm a newbee. Can anyone tell me the proceedure to change the water pump on my Renault Clio Williams. Yr 1994 I been told £400.00
if done at the garage so thought I'd have a go myself!

Any good advice is appriciated.



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I think that first, you need to establish weather your car is a 1.8 or a 2.0 as you seem a little confused...
£400!!!!!! wowzer!! The genuine part is £75, an aux belt (has to come off, always replaced as good practice) is about £20, £20 of coolant, roughly 3 hours labour being sensible about it. I can't see it being much over £200. Whoever you went to didn't want to do the job
