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The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles]

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah - I'm in two minds about the memory quantity. I've got 12GB at the minute and see stuff sometimes nabbing 70%+ memory. Being a fresh build, I wanted some decent headroom in there - but I guess 16GB would be fine to begin with. I could always add more at a later date anyway.

I'd really like an M.2 unit. I haven't even looked at the pricing yet!


ClioSport Club Member
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Yeah - I'm in two minds about the memory quantity. I've got 12GB at the minute and see stuff sometimes nabbing 70%+ memory. Being a fresh build, I wanted some decent headroom in there - but I guess 16GB would be fine to begin with. I could always add more at a later date anyway.

I'd really like an M.2 unit. I haven't even looked at the pricing yet!
M.2 unit as in the PCI SSD's?

You can get 250gb for like £130 however I believe your motherboard has to support it.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
The Formula Maximus does, but its worth bearing in mind there is a fair speed difference between the 256GB and 512GB model (albeit it is more expensive ofcourse!) but that's why I went for the 512GB.

256GB Read 2200MB/s Write 900MB/s
512GB Read 2500MB/s Write 1500MB/s



ClioSport Club Member
Bought a window for my case (bitfenix prodigy), but the bloody thing's all sealed up, and the graphics card's getting too hot as a result because the fans are on the window side.

Any ideas before I go drilling hundreds of pinholes in the window?
  Evo 5 RS
Aside from Photoshop and app stuff, higher memory clocks only made sense when you were hitting the limits elsewhere. When they switched to a single 980ti with Witcher 3 there was a single FPS difference between each of the memory clocks.

Just marginal gains really, but that's all that's left when you're right at the tippy top of performance

It's all marginal, but the minimums are what count. Plus DDR4 prices are more reasonable now
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
From what I've read you have to be careful adding memory modules that aren't part of a 'kit' i.e. I've got 2 x 16GB modules in mine at the moment from a 32GB 'kit'. I couldn't necessarily buy another 32GB kit and add it to make 64GB as it might not necessarily work? Whereas I could have bought a 64GB 'kit' (4 x 16GB) originally and it would have been fine. Seems funny to me, but I'm sure I read that somewhere.
  Evo 5 RS
From what I've read you have to be careful adding memory modules that aren't part of a 'kit' i.e. I've got 2 x 16GB modules in mine at the moment from a 32GB 'kit'. I couldn't necessarily buy another 32GB kit and add it to make 64GB as it might not necessarily work? Whereas I could have bought a 64GB 'kit' (4 x 16GB) originally and it would have been fine. Seems funny to me, but I'm sure I read that somewhere.

I wouldn't recommend doing this. Raja at ASUS did a piece on this not too long ago. Guy knows his stuff, great bloke.

Once you have an overview and understanding of how vendors bin these kits and the guardband they use, it becomes clear why it's best not to test the water by creating more work for yourself in order to save a few quid.!-The-meat-and-potatoes-overview

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
The Formula Maximus does, but its worth bearing in mind there is a fair speed difference between the 256GB and 512GB model (albeit it is more expensive ofcourse!) but that's why I went for the 512GB.

256GB Read 2200MB/s Write 900MB/s
512GB Read 2500MB/s Write 1500MB/s


I noticed the difference in performance between the two sizes as well. Any idea why? Not just a marketing up-sell, is it?


ClioSport Club Member
The 'in-stock' are mainly for the purposes of taking pre-orders on initial batches that stores have got hold of. According to Scan, they will have their stock for early June release (as planned) but were showing a couple of items as 'in stock' such that they were able to take pre-orders on that initial batch of products. I'm assuming ebuyer are doing a similar scheme.

EDIT: Annoyingly, it would seem that the top-end 1080's are indeed over the 700 quid mark! Too much I think!
  A shiny black one.
I don't know if it's a problem with their website then, they have the gigabyte at 619 for delivery tomorrow. All the rest are pre orders.

Going too, showed 28 in stock, now 24.


ClioSport Club Member
OCUK have the pre-orders for the non FE stuff up now. Still waiting for 1070 so that I don't end up with a 1440p monitor and an angry wife

Their website and forum have been fucked since 2pm, and I'm guessing all the initial pre-order stuff is also gone
  Evo 5 RS
I went with the finance option on two because why not. Never used it before. Might have been a f**king stupid idea as even though it's approved in minutes, I have to wait for their no-sense of urgency team to get told it's approved. So probably wasn't allocated any.

f**k off Scan.
  A shiny black one.
I've had to walk away, I don't want to make the same mistake I made last time and buy a card I can't watercool.
  Evo 5 RS
Damn, was beaten to the punch by the shear size of the "waiting on 16nm" crew. Next batch Tuesday / Wednesday. Back you savages...


ClioSport Club Member
Damn, was beaten to the punch by the shear size of the "waiting on 16nm" crew. Next batch Tuesday / Wednesday. Back you savages...
I see you on OCUK :wink:
I should probably post more over there, spent a week+ browsing the graphics card forum

Awful lot of whingers on there complaining about prices of cards like nVidia as a corporation is personally shitting on them because shiny new tech isn't cheap. With the amount of billions that has apparently gone into building this stuff it's not a surprise that they aren't cheap at launch. The whingers then go and buy the cards anyway... enthusiasts y0
  Evo 5 RS
You won't see me there often mate. I'm on mainly, get certain vendor parts in exchange for support over there and the community is far less whingerish. Got sick of the same people on OCUK, coupled with 8-Pack who got the hump as I kept correcting his s**t advice.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Well I've pre-ordered the EVGA FTW 1080. Should arrive in the UK around 17th June so will sell my 980 straight away. What you reckon, £200? It's an EVGA SC one...


ClioSport Club Member
1070 reviews are out. Looks like it goes blow for blow with the 980ti (the reference ones I'm guessing, rather than the pre-OC'd).
Seems to push out less heat than the 1080, which is unsurprising. Looking forward to the AIB 1070s and then I'll stick a pre-order in when they are available (guessing it will be end of June/beginning of July)
  Yaris Hybrid
Any guessing when we might see a new Titan?

I'm done with SLI. Regret the day I ever decided to go down that route. I want to go back to a single card but I don't fancy going from 980ti SLI down to a single 1080. I want to minimise the step down on my games that do use SLI well.

I want the fastest single card I can get and the Titan seems to have the longest life span - slightly better than a TI but tends to release earlier.


ClioSport Club Member
Any guessing when we might see a new Titan?

I'm done with SLI. Regret the day I ever decided to go down that route. I want to go back to a single card but I don't fancy going from 980ti SLI down to a single 1080. I want to minimise the step down on my games that do use SLI well.

I want the fastest single card I can get and the Titan seems to have the longest life span - slightly better than a TI but tends to release earlier.
For gaming a 980Ti is completely on par with the Titan X so I'm not sure I see your logic on that. Unless it's not just for gaming and then yes the Titan is better for its cuda cores

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
First round of the PC build done. No cable management or tidying done yet, but the biggest single issue I've had is with one of the G-Skill sticks appearing to be DOA. I've tried different combinations within the slots and the PC hangs with Q-Code 55 whenever this one stick is inserted. If I leave it with just one stick of 8GB, it boots fine.

So far - well happy. The BIOS screen represents the cockpit of the Space Shuttle compared to the Wright Brothers ASCII flyer that I'm used to. It's SO quiet too - a couple of times I've actually thought it had powered itself down. I might hold off on the full-blow tidy-up until getting a 1080 - but we'll see.

  Evo 5 RS
Nice. 55 can also be DRAM instability rather than DOA. How is the XMP switch toggled, or does the memory work ok when ran at 2133?
  Yaris Hybrid
For gaming a 980Ti is completely on par with the Titan X so I'm not sure I see your logic on that. Unless it's not just for gaming and then yes the Titan is better for its cuda cores

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

I mean the new pascal Titan. Should be a big enough upgrade over 980ti's that even in games that support SLI really well, I won't be losing too much when I drop to single GPU. In games that don't use SLI or aren't particularly efficient in SLI I will be better off.

I figure it will be a tad more powerful than the 1080ti (I expect the gap to not be as close as it was with the 980ti/Titan) and I should get a full year out of it. More cost effective to do that than SLI 1080's or 1080ti's given how bad SLI support has been in recent times.

I need to make that jump down from two to one GPU's at some point and the easiest way would be with the fastest single GPU I can acquire. Once I've done it and bit the bullet, I could in future replace the pascal Titan with an 1180ti etc but cross that bridge when I come to it.

This is assuming there will be a pascal Titan and that it is released sometime before the Ti.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Nice. 55 can also be DRAM instability rather than DOA. How is the XMP switch toggled, or does the memory work ok when ran at 2133?

It did it right out of the box, m8. Everything set to standard and without XMP activated. It wouldn't even get to BIOS with that stick inserted. Without, it was fine.

It came with BIOS 0403 and I even updated that to the latest one - it behaved exactly the same. Code 55 regardless of where that stick was inserted.
