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Strugglers back!! ph1 172 project! (bit of a read)


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
lol, prep and prime?!

i didnt really bother, just cleaned it all up and wire brushed some of the stuborn dirt!!
like i said, i wasnt going for an amazing job, just wanted to make the inside look abit more fresh rather than the stained miss matched coloured stuff!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
hmm though i said i was tempted to fit my decat tomorrow, im not starting to reconsider after reading threads about how awkrward it is!! Then engine will be out in the summer time and it will be a breeze to fit then!

still need to put a centre box on though as it is stupidly loud atm.
  172 Hillclimb/Sprint
Liking this ..keep going mate, i am doing a phase 1 project also, well for some time now, since around October, but I just keep coming to start the write up and then thinking better of it because of how long it would take :sleepy: . Subbed to thread. :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
it is a bit long i know, but i dont mind doing it, having other people compliment your project kinda helps a bit with motivation!! lol


Didnt get much done today tbh, i was being a bit lazy!! Dug my old exhaust out that i was planning to use in the new build but the flange is a completely different size so that ideas out the window :( i had to put the rotten centre section back on becuase it was just too loud without it!! glad i didnt leave it out for the scrap men to take now!!

took a few pictures in a better light of the interior, i know its not perfect and ill probs end up going over it all sometime when i can be bothered, but for now, its fine for its purpose.





This is how i had to approach it thismorning, i took the bumper off to stop any paint getting on it!! think it looks rather mean tbh!!


Sneeky shot of the rear beam with the bumper and exhaust out the way


Rear loom in, door seals in, lights/bumper on,


Got this out the garage too while searching for the exhaust!! i think ill have enough to make rear door cars out of so may give that a go tomorrow


then got bored of fitting the interior back in so i set about fitting a tow strap to the front!! but i had one thing to bear in mind, i wanted to keep the hole for the OEM tow eye accessable just in case i needed to get towed by a bar!! (ie AA/RAC) . I ended up drilling a hole just above the tow hole in the cross member and nut and bolting the strap behind the cross member, bringing underneith it, and out the front.



Ended up making a bit of a hash of the bumper when trying to make the slot for the stap to come through :( but oh well, its a track car and all that!! :D


Then these were brought out of retirement for my own protection!! :star:


OMP 3" 4 point harnesses!! would have considered 5 points but they seem like a ball ache (litterally!! :p )

All fitted with the seats!! i think it looks amazing tbh, just missing a cage now!! which ive put off for now as ive yet to find a welder i can borrow!! :(



Ive had a bit of a problem with my harness mountings!! i tried to mount them in easy places from the existing seat/seatbelt mounts but everytime they end up slightly too close to the seat and the adjuster hits the seat and take the tenstion of the belt instead of the eyelet!! so will be addressing this tomorrow!! safety first and all that!!

I think after taking all the weight out the car, i may have to lower the rear a bit again!!



Another problem has cropped up with the oil pressure warning light being on, it didnt used to be on at all, even on warm idle and now its on on cold idle. This makes me thing its the switch so will steal one off my mates clio when i get a second and see if that does the trick!! lol

As usual, thanks for reading guys!!
  Rb 182
Looking good mate. Thanks for the pictures of the seat mountings. Will have a look into that when i go do mines i think.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
No worries dude but like I said it would be much easier to just use the cobra slow subframes that are floating about!!

Check out JonG's track clio thread, he did a lot better job of it than I did!! Lol

Next job for me is to rip all the dash out and clean up behind and sort out behind that!! Not really looking forward to it if I'm honest lol.
  Rb 182
No worries dude but like I said it would be much easier to just use the cobra slow subframes that are floating about!!

Check out JonG's track clio thread, he did a lot better job of it than I did!! Lol

Next job for me is to rip all the dash out and clean up behind and sort out behind that!! Not really looking forward to it if I'm honest lol.

I'll have a look. I've got mines in on custom sliders but i'm not really keen on them.

I do like how clean it looks once painted, might give it a bash.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
ahh i know ive been saying jonG for ages, but i actually meant Jon_r! sorry!! :(

Sorry, no pictures today, but ill take lots tomorrow to show what im working on!!

basically....the dash!!

me and a friend of mine spent the whole day ripping the dash apart! ive never removed a dash before whilst trying to keep it in one piece so this was rather difficult!!

after the dash was out we attacked the large metal frame behind the dash, but this didnt put up as much of a fight, after it was out we cut just them ends off and refit them to the car, this means the dash will loose some of the middle support but the overall framework is reduced by a lot!! We also ripped all the remainding sound deadening out and alot of the heater matrix ducting, thought after some consideration, ive decieded to keep the heater controls where they are!!

Next i set about making some small adaptations to the interior loom to simplify it, the main place of focus was the poxy cobra alarm system!! the insallation of this thing is so intrusive, so many parts of an initially simple loom as hashed together. Traced all them back and cut them, along with all the wiring for the electrics above your head.

This has basically meant that the rear loom is on one plug for each side, rather than 2 making it very easy to unplug and remove.

tomorrow i think im going to attack all the remainding wires in the car that are going nowhere, i did this in my track valver and the loom was about half the size in the end so it should make the car much simpler to work with, though its not a job for the faint hearted, one wrong snip could spell hours of fault finding when something doesnt work anymore!! lol
  DCI100 / 211hp MK1
coming along nicely matey boy. How much more time have you got to work on it before you head back to Uni?

Im working away this week so no progress for me :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Update 11/04/2011

Sorry to anyone following, not updated this in a while because ive not been doing anything interesting or substancial recently to warrant a whole thread!!

but ive saved them up for a whole post on the dash!!

So started with the dash out, all the ducting had been removed and the dash was pretty much a bare piece of plastic


i removed the metal frame that held the dash and cut the ends off and remounted them so i had something to mount the dash too!! (obviously all the sound deadening had been removed too)



Also made a few alterations to the loom, tucked unused plugs in, and cut some off. Moved a large amount of it behing the matrix and wired up my start pannel for testing as it was easier to do while the dash was out!! (note the retro renault keyring found in a draw from my dads old R5 :) )


Cut the matrix down a bit to get it out the way!!


switch pannel wiring!!


measured up a mounting plate to be the size left by the hole where the stereo and centre vents went and cut it out of the boot lining!! ;)


then got the carbon out and cut round the template


bonded it to the plastic with the help of some weight (goold ol' OZ f1's!! lol)


Cut the holes in it for the volt meter and battery cut


All assembled


fitted to the dash



also fitted a cabon plate over another hole in the dash



Wiring was pretty easy, made easier than spade size connections of the plug for the ignition barrel! ;)


dash refitted



still need to find a proper poverty spec dashboard without holes for the clock or airbag but theyre not that common!! :(
and ive not wired up the battery isolator switch yet as ive not found any punch strapping to mount my rear battery!! hopefully ill get a chance to do it before i go back to uni!! lol

other neat design solutions from struggler!!



cut the end of the centre console off, drill some holes, use some cable ties to make a hazard switch mount!! :)


Pop this plate out of a mk1 valver centre console, the central locking switch clips in it perfectly and it can be cable tied around the gear selector which has a handy groove almost for this application!! lol

After than i just took some pics of the car since the sun was out and the driveway was free!! lol ill link to the media thread when i post it!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Up to date pic thread!! :!!&p=8601029#post8601029

i lowered the rear again as it sat quite high after i got everything out of it!!

i also forgot to add that i fitted a bumper pin on one side, was going to do both

HATE it, really hate it, wish i had never fitted it, its made the bumper sit slightly off and look fugly!! hoping i can get away with not doing both sides as i really dont want to drill another hole in the bumper only for it to look sh!t. this was the only side where the bumper mount had ripped off some technically the only side that really needs one!!

thanks for reading guys. Im not sure im going to get a chance to do anymore mods before i go back to uni on saturday so this maybe your lot for now!! :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
haha cheers dude, ye i decieded that this one was going to be a bit tidier!!

ive just ordered a new top dash from a poverty spec clio so the dash is going to be completely finished.

however im moved back to university now so no more work is going to be happening until the summer months!! :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Update needed!

Thanks for that dude!!

Update time!! 26/06/2012

So im back from university for the whole summer so i think i should really finish this project now!! lol

I have one very large problem with this project. And that is that it's being the space. This project is being undertaken on my driveway at my parents house. Though theyre very giving with letting me leave the car here, but with the nice weather and my dads classic car in the garage, and my parents wanting to use their driveway, it has to stay rolling a lot of the time!! so for the next week or so im only going to be tackling small jobs.

First job when im back, fit my manual winders!! me and dan (clio_squeak) went to fit the manual winders that i was sent from a member on here!! shamefully we tried for a long time to fit them on the wrong sides :( but eventually we got them on. i then removed the entire door loom and cut it down to just the two wires for the lock solenoid!


much tidier i think!!

i then thought it would be a good idea to tackle the scuttle pannel. After removing the air conditioning there is a huge amount of junk under the scuttle doing nothing!!


my point explained!

so i smashed most of it out, i tried to be as careful as i could, but i sweat this stuff is magical!! seems to not be able to come out in one piece, but half the screws to take it apart are around the back unreachable!! madness!!


got it all out in the end though!!

I went further taking all the washer bottle out and the wiper arms out!


i think i may have damaged the wiper mech slightly as its stripped all the splines off! ill bolt the wiper on slightly tighter when i remantle it and hope it stays nicely!

clean washer bottle :D

Empty scuttle!




i then scrapped all the tar out!! (god i hate doing this again!!). The main reason i did this is because ive heard there is a design flaw where water can sit under the tar in a certain place and begin to rot the sills


Put it all back together and packed up for the day! i didnt bother putting the wipers back on as i knew i may need to take them off again to get a blower in!!


Massive thanks to dan (clio_squeak) for letting me use his poverty spec blower! which will hopefully be going in tomorrow all being well!! and that will be the scuttle sorted!!
  DCI100 / 211hp MK1
I had no choice you held me to randsom lol

jokin lol good update dude now crack on. If you dont get your finished before mine i will be dissappointed!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
So chris, what were you planning on doing if yours had all come out in one piece? you would still not have had any heating!!

ollie told me about yours you plonker!! why didnt you just stop as soon as you realised it wasnt going to come out!!

and just to rub it in..... I have heating in mine again!! :D

Update 26/06/2012

since these updates are coming daily, theyre not that big!! lol

First i gave the scuttle a lick of paint..



im hopeless with a paint brush, it looks truely shocking in person! but it protects under the scuttle from any rust so i spose it serves its purpose!


Taped all my loom up to make it look a bit prettier as i was waiting for the paint to dry


And this is the poverty spec blower clio_squeak gave me, thanks again dude!! :)


all cleaned up!!


and just a quick comparison picture of the new set up compared to the old setup

looks quite a bit tidied now! :)

As usual, thankyou for reading and ill try to make the upcoming updates slightly more intersting! :)
  DCI100 / 211hp MK1
That will be a grand please jokes

Glad its being put to use I am probably going to regret not running one but mine is a fair weather car lol.

Keep the updates coming. With u being a bum ('student') u shud be finished before me do chop chop as I only have 1 month left!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
you have a lot more money and space than i do!! i need to wait until the weekend has passed and then ill be putting all the track on and taking the engine out!!

so until then im just wafting really!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Tiny update because ive been lazy!

fitted my rear battery as its another small job to tick off my list before the weekend gets done, i fitted my rear battery and kill switch.


couldnt see the point of one of those fancy aluminium battery holders, i just used some punch strap and bolted it through the floor!
Not the prettiest of solutions but it works perfectly! It also had to go under the drivers side. i would have liked to put it under the passenger side but i fit the passenger seat back from the driver to give a better view.


had some nice pretty dressing to put over it all to neaten it up!



Then run it through the scuttle where the alarm wiring used to go and straight into the fuse box! (wanted to make it look neat)
inside the fuse box theres a distributer block to the two wires that usually go to the battery so i could get rid of all of that mess!!


layed the ecu down (havnt got round to fitting it down properly yet but i shall) and this is how my engine bay looks!!

i measured my throttle body and the outer diameter is around 70mm so ive ordered a 45degree bend so i can get the air filter sitting in a nice place. and a breather to go on the icv!

So all i have to do is help my dad get his classic car out the garage this weekend and then back to bed for the rest of the summer and i can finally leave my car in an undrivable state for a few weeks!!

but in the mean time, i took this picture because ive been obsessed with the rear height either side not being even. its only once i look at this picture i start to think i may have issues!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
youre a dick chris, thatll turn me into a nervous wreck for at least the next week!!
  DCI100 / 211hp MK1
Passenger does look higher Mate U want to see mine with the adjusters in there is loads of room


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
well theyre close enough so theyre going to stay like that! the passenger side adjuster is as low as itll go so unless i take the adjuster out, it wont get any lower! :(

i think im going to waste tomorrow trying to get the exhaust hanger off and maybe fitting the rear braided lines!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Haha sorry dude!! update is a bit over due, but seeing as this thread isnt getting much love, i havnt felt under too much pressure!!

update 04/07/2012

So was still wafting for things to do to occupy the weekend. so i decieded to finish the rear end off once and for all!!

this involved fitting braided lines, and painting the callipers! i had already done them silver, but i changed my mind and wanted them yellow!! :D
So i high tailed it over to see clio_squeak to grab a break spanner!! and somehow got roped into helping him fit suspension, but hey ho its all fun and games!



Painted rear callipers! also got a jet wash out and blasted the muck off the rear arches!


Pick of the brake lines fitted... most of the bolts were fine, one sadly really didnt want to shift! and after the spanner slipped a few times and some colourful language from myself i got some mole grips on it, and then it played ball! i fitted them all back together, putting the ruined line back on with mole grips (i know this isnt idea, but it theoretically shouldnt need to be undone again, and if it does leak i shall just change the brake line!)

While i was at it, i finally sorted the rear exhaust hanger.....kind of!!


Two of the bolts snapped, and one snapped the captive nut off the otherside. And shock horror, the one that was spinning was the one that i couldnt get to the other side of, so out came the angle grider and that is an extra job for the custom exhaust shop! lol


the remains!

Snap of my front brakes painted ready to be fitted with braided lines!

I then tidied up the garage ready for the crane to be collected from my mates! (cranes in there now, this update is a little out of date! lol).

Then today i decieded since i was going to have very little room to get down the sides of the car when its down the drive, i would attempt to loosen as much as i could, and remove some bits to make life easier!! (i had left the front brakes off for the time being). It slowly turned out that though original is good, suspension parts that have not been unbolted for 10+ years put up a hell of a fight!! This prompted an afternoon long battle with the wishbones trying to get them out of the hubs! no matter what i did, how hard i hit, they just wouldnt move! My mate then came to help and while trying to hit it with the bolt move of the way on the threads, the bolt managed to jump down a thread and wreck the shaft!! at this point we decieded that the shaft was dead so we gave it full on hell with the hammer until it surrendered!!


the damage

the spines on the shaft had actually swolen slightly due to corrosion! thankfull my mate had a spare set of ph1 shafts and i had some bits so we arranged a swap. since this point was reached we decieded to simply drain the box and remove both the shafts, saving me more jobs later!


Both discs were obviously also removed and the waste was left out for the random odds with bells that drive around taking scrap metal!!

finally a couple of my mates showed up and we rolled the car out into the road, did a 3 point turn, and rolled it down to the end of my drive ready to be properly taken apart! As the car currently stands is has no brakes (other than handbrake). no front discs or callipers, no shafts.

but on a plus side, the track arms and ends both looked brand new so they wont be getting changed!! saves me about £50 overall!! so jobs for tomorrow, weather permitting, will be removing the entire subframe assembly to be cleaned, painted, and polybushed!

Also massive thanks to cliosports auto-save function, i wrote all of this before my internet decieded to sh!t itself and clear it all!! i was fuming until i saw the recover autosaved text! :star:


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Update 06/07/2012

Well, the weekend that i had to keep rolling for has past and ive been busy!! ill let the photos do the talking for most of this and i did get slightly carried away with the snapping, so sorry about that!!

First job was to get the track off!!

last left the car like this

within a few minutes the front was off

then in the air

took the hubs off, hacked the remainding powersteering pipes off and dropped the subframe


Gave the rad a lick of paint to make it all fresh!

put the bumper pack on to get it out the way

Stripped everything off the subframe

Cleaned the subframe

Its all about bright coloured subframes

Managed the get the arms off and screwed them onto a non-sport steering rack


Painted (just the ends lol)

Everything else lol

bits painted



scrap! lol

Then my mate dropped my engine crane off

So out came the crane!


Ancillaries and engine mounts

Half way

Mate ollie tinkering with the load leveler

Standard engine out picture (im sad i know)

Flying F4R

Empty bay

Engine on the stand (i do not like those stands)

RS linlet

difference in bore

Stripped a lot of cam covers and water pumps, inlets off etc


Are the linlet bores meant to look like this?

all the fluids that have come out!! also have a drain tray still full! :(
  DCI100 / 211hp MK1
Good update mate n trust me the engine will b fine I had the heavier f7r on that.
P.s your inlets are meant to look like that


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Tbh, i just wanted to have a clean and painted engine/bay.
also wanted to inspect various aspects of the engine to deciede what needed changing, and reduce the loom as there are a lot of unused plugs now that ive removed PAS,AC etc

and tbh, just for fun! im sure a lot of people will say thats stupid but i have quite a while before im insuring the car, so why not! :D

not too much done today, the intermitent rain has been a real pain!

i cleaned my engine bay with a lot of degreaser! it was filthy! lol






i then needed to help my mate fit an upper inlet, but when that was done the sun had come out so i decieded to get the paint brushes out and get to work!!

ill get some pics tomorrow, but i painted my driveshafts (my mate dropped off the replacement ones today) and steering rack.
then packed up for the day!


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
You thought about removing the ABS pump? Its pretty easy to do and makes the bay look so much simpler!


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
ive thought a lot about it tbh,

but this would mean an new cup master cylinder,
changing all the brake lines,
and adding a bias valve as iirc, the abs pump controls the front/rear distribution? (not 100% on that one though)

i was planning on leaving it in for now, and perhaps removing it at a later stage if i want and when monies allow!
the budget of the car has already flown over expected with littler expenditures here and there!! lol


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I bought all the bits for £150 and it will take no longer than an afternoon to fit. We just did it on my mates car.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 track 172
Im going to see how i get on with it over the winter, if im sick of it/dont use it by the time engines next out, ill bin it! its going to be driven on the road sometimes so safety is a concern.

Another (boring) update!

ones again, pics arent that interesting because the jobs im doing arnt very interesting! but heading to renault tomorrow afternoon to pick up some service bits!

Painted bits


Gerbox after the first coat of hammerite


after a coat of spray just for finish

hmm could do with more more paint maybe!! hopefully ill have some spare! lol
also removed the end cap for painting!

Engine degreased and jetted off!!



im sure many people will think its a terrible idea but i masked all the holes up so it should be fine!

other bits cleaned waiting to be painted
