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[PC/ Consoles] Crysis 2 Official Thread

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
It's a bit buggy from what I have noticed.

Doesn't like crossfire / sli at the moment either. Just results in some massive flickering. With allthe work arounds basically reducing performance so had to disable one of my GPU's when playing it.

Am enjoying the actual game though, although it seems easier than the first game. I remember the cloak not lasting anywhere near as long in the first game. And if you moved under cloak it was gone virtually straigt away. This game you can sit cloaked for ages.

Wozzaa - are you on Crossfire at the minute? If so, just try installing the old ATi CCC 10.5 drivers. I have this issue with Battlefield BC2 to this very day - where any newer driver after 10.5 creates massive flickering through my Crossfire'd 4890s. BC2 is the ONLY game that does this - everything else works fine on each of the newer release of the drivers. In fact, the latest drivers massively reduce the load time on the BC2 levels. But after a while, it flickers like f*ck. :( Uninstall it and chuck on 10.5 and everything's back working.

Sounds similar to this, tbh..

  Monaro VXR
Just running under single GPU mode at the moment as said.

The game can barely push a single 5870. Never mind 2 of them. Can't be bothered dicking about with drivers for one game. When they work better in everything else.

Crysis 2 is just a rather buggy game.

Some massive threads on the official forums with complaints. About this and other issues.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I'm just running single GPU mode as well, it doesn't even break a sweat on a single 580.

I'm pretty sure I'm on the last level now, i'll have to find something else to keep me occupied between this and Dirt 3.

My 2 360s haven't been used for months . . .
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I really don't get the opinions in this thread.

I played the original crysis and I've played every "classic" PC game way back to the original duke nukem, quake, doom, half-life etc right through to now.

Crysis 2 is IMO well in there with them. The story is epic, the graphics are epic, I personally didn't encounter any bugs at all in SP, MP is a bit buggy though. I prefer Crysis 2 to Crysis 1.

The only downside is it got scaled down a bit for consoles but it is still beautiful and an epic epic game imo.
  Monaro VXR
Oh it definitely has some serious bugs. As said running with 2 GPU's every light source flickers like crazy. For those curious...imagine trying to play it while it is doing this all the time.

Likely to end up giving people seizures.

Not sure if it has been patched as not played it for a while now.

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  Evo 5 RS
Gareth, I never had any issues with SLi enabled with the current forcewares.

Although there is a 3rd party fix, that graphics options tool earlier in the thread
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Finished it too. Enjoyed it the more I played.

Noticed I only have 20 of the 50 Achievements though.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Utterly, utterly, bemused, confused, annoyed and completely angered by the current release of Crysis 2.

Bought it today through Steam. Fired it up and it flickered like mad. By that - badly. Similar to what wozzaa said in post #249. I have the latest ATi CCC installed with two 4890s in Crossfire. Naturally with this being an EA release and balls to the after-market support, I though I'd roll back to my 'ol faithful 10.5 drivers and give it a go.

Now it does improve the flickering, but not by much. I'd still be on the verge of epilepsy if I played that for an hour. So I have to ask, WHAT THE FCUK are Crytek playing at? Did it ever occur to them that the successor of perhaps the most graphically demanding PC game of all time - might attract those same PC owners that want to push their system to the limit? And by that very same vertue - those PC systems will have either SLi or Crossfire gfx card setups? At what point did the hairy-arsed donkey-rapers at CryTek believe that flickering on a high-end system was acceptable? At when did the pre-release go through a high-end system in QA and upon the flickering, some gimp said 'it will be fine....they won't even notice'?

Maybe if I buy a Veyron and think about taking it to the Nordschleife as a technical and demanding course on both car and driver - that I shouldn't be too concerned if the Bugatti fails to leave first gear? Or that the wheels fall off at the first corner due to the well cared for and pristine tarmac? But hey.... someone in a £60k Porsche can simply waft on by without a care in the world?

CryTek - you are cretins. Cretins of the highest order. The ones where if as a collective, you had a pair of balls the size basketballs - I would find no end in pleasure of jumping up and down on. Probably wearing football boots. In fact, no - cretins is too polite a word to use. You are cnuts. Actually, you are a whole shower of cnuts that have fallen from the effluent of that other well-known being - the shower of sh1t. I hope you all suffer an irreversable dose of dick-shrinking - one that subjects your pride of the male anatomy to a mere Twiglet. One that the following day falls off completely.

You have simply fcuked us PC owners over again. I will not be fooled again.

CryTek. Go fcuk yourself.

I have yet to buy/play this game, but from a technical standpoint, everything I'm reading is a disappointment. I still think it's astonishing that the 3/4 year old prequel looks miles better and demands better hardware. When I first read that it was going to be on the current consoles, I hoped that they would still code a proper PC version. Sadly it seems they didn't.

Money talks etc.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I have yet to buy/play this game, but from a technical standpoint, everything I'm reading is a disappointment. I still think it's astonishing that the 3/4 year old prequel looks miles better and demands better hardware. When I first read that it was going to be on the current consoles, I hoped that they would still code a proper PC version. Sadly it seems they didn't.

Money talks etc

Correct on both counts, m8. I 'might' be able to fix it by trawling through hundreds of support threads for a fix, but should I really need to do that? I'm not asking it to run on three monitors and in 3D. I'm asking a current-gen game to utilise a graphics technology that's been around for several years now - at least from 2007.

What bits I have seen and played have been good - albeit dumbed-down a fair bit from the original to make it more control-friendly. Some bizarre AI issues abound though - like filling a enemy blokes' head with several bursts of bullets - and his mate stood 10ft away not doing anything. Hmmm. WTF. :S I've seen that happen a few times now.

Maybe for a quick-fix I'll play it in windowed mode and just use one GPU? FFS - how pathetic. :(

Can you not disable one of the cards? I'm not into ATI (last card a I had from them was a 9800Pro) so I don't know how their current drivers work. From what I gather though, playing with a true single card should be fine. You shouldn't have to do it I agree, but considering it will play at 60fps on an iPhone, it might be the best option if you just want to enjoy the gameplay.

Still, it's clearly a huge disappointment technically. Lost faith in it TBH. Waiting for the next Half-Life games now for my next love affair.
Clearly not written with multi-GPus in mind which, as you rightly point out, is quite simply shocking in 2011. All the more so when you consider what the original game was about among enthusiasts. Quite frankly strange. I understand that we can't always get what we want, but FFS we are talking about a situation where a 4 year old game looks better and demands better hardware than the all-new sequel. This is not normal in gaming.
  Monaro VXR
ATI have released crossfire profiles for it as well. The new drivers have the profiles designed for it. Unfortunately the flickering is a problem with the game itself not the drivers.

As the demo works fine under crossfire, no flickering at all.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
ATI have released crossfire profiles for it as well. The new drivers have the profiles designed for it. Unfortunately the flickering is a problem with the game itself not the drivers.

As the demo works fine under crossfire, no flickering at all.

Utter, fcuking ROFL. Couple with the fact that the original Crysis from 2007 also works fine under Crossfire.

Talk about 1 step forward, 16 back.....


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Just finished the SP campaign now - 13 hours all told.

Good story, good effects and some clever level design. As a stand-alone game, I'd give it 8.5 (even with the clearly STUPID graphical issues). But because the original Crysis exists, I'd have to knock a couple of points off and give it a 6.5.

I'd recommend it to anyone who picks it up on the cheap or in a sale, but it's not worth the full asking price, imo.

Hmmm. Mixed early reactions from the PC. Firstly it's quite obvious that the graphics are not even close to the original. Some of the textures are comical, and rather than being able to properly use AA, you seem to have to rely on the 'post-processing' option, which not only smooths off the jaggies, but also enables Codemasters' Blur-Engine 3. Not nice. Overall though it still looks stunning, but definitely feels like a spruced up high-res console game. Pretty much exactly as anyone would expect. I'm running extreme everything at 1920x1200 except post-processing, because it makes it look stupid. Think I have that on high or very high or whatever. Runs smooth as f**k. probably around 50fps but often cruises at a clear 60. Definitely not worthy of hardware upgrades.

Gameplay I'm impressed with so far, although I may have to tweak the controls, as the gun weight and inertia seems a bit lightweight. Typical of a console port. Something I last noticed when playing the super over-hyped w**kfest that is Fallout 3.

Basically it seems like a very good game and I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it, but a little piece of me dies inside each time I'm reminded that the 2007 prequel looks much much better. That said, I'm sure the graphics will improve with progress. I've only just started the bit where you exit the quarantine area and step foot onto the streets. The view is very impressive! Ultimately though, the fact that there are no settings which can sweat a 2008 PC running an old processor and DDR2 RAM, is a massive shame. Mind you I am pushing a GTX295 so I have plenty of raw rendering power. It definitely doesn't leave the GPU waiting for CPU data. Shouldn't complain I suppose, they just saved me four bags pmsl.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I finished it on the 360, but can honestly say I'd never play it again.

Quite enjoyed it at times, but I just wanted to complete it so it was over with.


ClioSport Club Member
I finished it on the 360, but can honestly say I'd never play it again.

Quite enjoyed it at times, but I just wanted to complete it so it was over with.

I agree.
One of those games you just wanted to get to the end of just so you have completed it.
Not one I think I will revisit, shame really as it had the makings of a good game!
Meh, no quick saving is a stupid omission. Also WTF at the physics. Do they even remember making the original game? WTF at the mouse. WTF at the motion blurr and bloom, none of which can be properly controlled. Just WTF.

Switched it off in disgust the last three plays in a row. Not a promising sign. Rather replay the real game actually.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Meh, no quick saving is a stupid omission. Also WTF at the physics. Do they even remember making the original game? WTF at the mouse. WTF at the motion blurr and bloom, none of which can be properly controlled. Just WTF.

Switched it off in disgust the last three plays in a row. Not a promising sign. Rather replay the real game actually.

Just put Fallout 3 back on.


ClioSport Club Member
Meh, no quick saving is a stupid omission. Also WTF at the physics. Do they even remember making the original game? WTF at the mouse. WTF at the motion blurr and bloom, none of which can be properly controlled. Just WTF.

Switched it off in disgust the last three plays in a row. Not a promising sign. Rather replay the real game actually.

Full of rage that post!

May I recommend something to calm ones nerve?

THIS is what a Crysis game should look like, and this was in 2007. You need to see this video to realise just how far games could have come by now if it weren't for your £200 pauper s**t box consoles.

In the 2011 SEQUEL I walked straight through a bush earlier on like it wasn't there. I was all like, s**t dude it's 2003 again. Fu*ck off Crysis 2 you're SH*IT!!

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ClioSport Club Member
Despite the rage, I do agree.

Step backwards instead of forwards because of the need to sell it on the console, and the console being the much bigger market.

Always going to be the way unfortunately :(
yes but there were consoles in 2007 and Crysis was a massive success. It probably sold a trillion pounds worth of hardware on its own. The modding community. The whole thing was a pretty big deal. This isn't a sequel, it's Crysis-Lite. I am disappoint. Mostly at the infuriating forced replays by having no quick-save, but also at the almost non-existent physics, and pathetic headless chicken AI.


ClioSport Club Member
yes but there were consoles in 2007 and Crysis was a massive success. It probably sold a trillion pounds worth of hardware on its own. The modding community. The whole thing was a pretty big deal. This isn't a sequel, it's Crysis-Lite. I am disappoint. Mostly at the infuriating forced replays by having no quick-save, but also at the almost non-existent physics, and pathetic headless chicken AI.

But Crytek realised the money was in Console gaming as well.
They sold the hardware, but that didnt help their profits!
As I may be wrong, but the sales of Crysis 1 werent that great either.

Its a shame, but its how it is at the moment :(
For sure, but this game should have been made awesome for the PC, and scaled down for the consoles. IIRC this is what was originally promised, but it clearly turned out to be bollox. We all know the reasons, but it makes it no less a shame.
  Evo 5 RS
I'm just pissed off after the leak that I actually felt for them and bought it. Only to find it was a crock of s**t. It's a rail shooter with a flattened down version of a 4 year old engine
Ok I may have been a bit hasty with the rage. All my points still stand, but crucially, so does the one about it being great fun. It's a good game. It just doesn't feel in the least bit like Crysis. Overall though I'm enjoying it a lot. Despite it being f**king s**t.


ClioSport Club Member
Ok I may have been a bit hasty with the rage. All my points still stand, but crucially, so does the one about it being great fun. It's a good game. It just doesn't feel in the least bit like Crysis. Overall though I'm enjoying it a lot. Despite it being f**king s**t.

That has to be the most self contradicting post ever.
Happy to hear you are liking it though.
Its bad. But not that bad..
GRRRR checkpoint saves should be banned. Cheap way of making the game seem longer by forcing repeated retries and also discouraging exploration at the same time. Not cool. Killzone 2 was worse though TBF. That game would have taken an hour to complete with a god mode.

Still loving this game but here's the problem - I think I'm near the end now, and am I gonna play it again when the DX11 changes are made? Not sure it's good enough. Boat. Missed. Maybe.
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