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my broken car


just an update on my car.after 4wks of ownership kerbed the car and steering was pulling to the right when on was not allignment.took my car in yesterday 10.30 for the steering to be looked at and few other faults: missing ball washer,flaking plastic interior.anyway they didnt look at my car till 3.00,which wound me up could of had a lie in! the women at reno said there is damage to the suspension???? i said whats wrong with it??? how much is it gonna cost???? they couldnt tell me until i get it booked in next thursday.she even saidit might be better claiming off my insurance company which has really scared me.cant see how kerbing car has caused this damage,does anyone know what it could be. If anyone knows any good reno approved garages in the burnley,padiham,clitheroe area??
  williams and trophy

ooooooo sounds like u mitev bent the strut or summat......mustve hit it hard.

never really have owt to do with the mechinix side o things but the parts bits good at kitchens in burnley

thats where i went kitchens in much rather take it to a garage that is reno approved rather than kitchens,coz i know theyll probably do a better job,and start the job straight away rather than a day later.and theyll probably try and charge more.i caught the front and the back passenger wheels-not badly but it was bout feelin gutted

my car goes in this friday,where they are gonna check out what damage to the suspension there is.i would really like some idea of how much damage is gonna cost.but what i cant understand is this.i only knocked the wheel lightly,the kerb wasnt high,ive shown a close friend the road where i did it (hes a mechanic) and he says that i cannot of possibly have done much damage,and if it was anything to the suspension it wont cost over £150.00.but last week when my car was at reno the girl behind the counter said i might be better claiming on the insurance???

My 172 never went in a straight line and the suspension was always suspect, are you sure its not the common problems with the 172?
  Burgandy 174 sport t

you should never have said you hit a kerb?!??!

take it to another dealer and tell them you think the stearin is a little suspect!!

wheel scuffed front and back,so theres no hiding it.this aint no dream mate.soon as you hit 4k the car drifts wildly to the right,its not right and as i say never did that before.its holding me back driving it properly.

im droppin it off today at 5.00 o clock.they are gonna inspect the damage and give me quote of how much its gonna cost.Its in overnight or too.its weird coz thinking of it gives me butterflies.can anyone tell me will they replace the flaking right door interior handle under warranty & can sum1 pls give me any ideas how much these funny monkies are gonna screw me for,coz me thinks their just gonna tell me out to screw me for loads



That sounds about right to me. A guy I work with slid into the cerb in his 206 GTi the other day and his repairs are coming to just over £150.

Typical that they didnt look at your car until mid afternoon. I always take mine in at 8. Last time I did this they didnt look at it until 4pm, then when I went to collect it they told me they hadnt had time to fix all the faults Id reported. :mad:

if its going to cost u mega bucks why not buy two new wheels and then take it into another dealer and say the steering/suspension set up seems a bit dodgy

right guys.dropped my car off at reno thursday night,hoping they could tell me how much it was gonna cost and what the damage was done.get a call from my girlfriend saturday morning saying that reno have just called to say that the wishbone,dampers,and full suspension need replacing and its gonna cost £600.00!!!!.I immediately called reno and asked to confirm what damage was done,they did and said it must be due to accident damage/crash,and wouldnt be under warranty. I said what crash??the car is brand new, under 1 month old,and ure telling me this.the response i got was to call back monday as the person i was speaking to didnt really know about cars, and id need to speak to guy called paul who dealt with it as they were closed 1.00 sat.

Anyway picks the car up.They have mega f**ked up my steering,my steering wheel is tilted to left badly when steering forward,my traction control and service light keep coming on.....anyway feeling really pissed off that reno or should i say monkie boy paul, could say i have done damage pissed me off,so went down to local prestons garage (BMW) got a friend whos mgr of the repair department.Anyway explained to him every thing- and took him for test drive-he got out of car and checked alloys.he has said under no way i have damaged the car to make it steer over to the right by slight kerbing that reno claim,for there to be damage to the suspension,wishbone and bearing the car would need a hard impact on a high kerb which would result in noticeable damage to the alloys wheels,bodywork.there is none. He has told me to take his number down and inform them i have had another reputable companie look at the car, and they say this damage has not been caused due to slight scuff on wheel. He couldnt believe when he actually saw the slight scuff on the wheel.

I would really like some legal advice before i go in monday,this is my 3rd visit to reno in 2wks,will i be covered under warrany for a courtesy car, and does anyone know where i stand?

Iain C

ClioSport Club Member

Thats really bad mate..sorry to hear that. Cant really help much but i had a flaky plastic handle and they replaced it under warranty.

If it was ok b 4 you hit the curband its damaged now surly that must have been the problem?

Hope u get it sorted.

anyway drops car of at reno thurday night hoping they could tell me why the car was badly steering to the right.Anyway saturday morning get a msg from my girlfriend saying that reno had called to say car would be ready,and that there was quite a bit of damage to the car.the wishbone needed replacing,the dampers and a full suspension which would cost about £600.00. I immediately called reno and spoke to women who confirmed this for me,i said how has this damage been done when the car is only 1mths she replied through accident/collison,when i told her it hasnt been in an accident or collision,she said i would have to call in monday and speak to paul who had looked at the car.

Picked the car up at 1.00 saturday.Got in the car and set off and shocked to find the steering badly off center to the right-and to my surprise both the service and the esp light flashed on.What has this Paul done to my car,it wasnt right when it went in, but now its really bad.

As you can imagine i felt even worse after picking up the car,so went to prestons garage (BMW) and asked them to have a look. They have told me there is know way my car should be doing that and that they will have to get it fixed under warrany or supply me with a new car.they also said that you should be given a courtesy car. They looked at the slight scuffs on the alloys and said there is no way reno can say that you have caused this damage to the suspension,wishbone,bearings due to the slight marks on edges of alloy. They have told me to take there number as backup.The mechanic at prestons laughed when i told him they had tried to say that the scuff on alloy had resulted to the damages.he said there is no way it would of done the damage,that is a parking scuff,and reno will not beable to prove that it is anything else. I really would like to know where i stand with all this now,when i take it in on monday it will have been the 3rd time,the car is not fit to be driven now Paul from reno has f**ked it up (couldnt even be bothered washing it today). Can any of you guys give me advice of what to do now i know that reno are clearly trying to take the piss

Please use capital letters and proper spacing. It would make it easier for people to read your problem and offer some help.
