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[360/PS3/PC] Borderlands 2

  Octy VRS
I found it a bit samey and the constantly respawning enemies pissed me off. Loved the graphic style though.
The first one was good but got very repetitive after a while, I'm more interested in Torchlight 2 to be honest, which is released on Thursday :D

I imagine it will be good though, I'll get it a bit later on after the reviews have come out.
Wasn't keen on the first one. I'll probably wait a few months until it drops in price then I'll give it a bash.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Looks really interesting this one, looking forward to see how the co-op delivers. Do you reckon I would need to play the first one before this?

Best deal on the PC? Steam is coming in at £29 I think.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Had a quick blast on this yesterday on my mates PC. It's nothing short of fantastic. Really good.

May well have to 360 purchase on Friday, even though FIFA13 is out soon.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I'm going to get this one...can you do online co-op with 4 players? If so some CS death squads could be on the prowl!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'm going to get this one...can you do online co-op with 4 players? If so some CS death squads could be on the prowl!

Yes. It's recommended you play with 3 friends as opposed to just randoms, as the rewards and items you pick up are shared so it's worth working with team work in mind or people you trust.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Haha this is true. Just ordered it anyway, with the pre-order DLC 'exclusive' stuff (which will be available the following month to buy on Xbox Live...really getting fed-up of all this 'special' DLC for pre-orders now but that's another topic!)

My mate Rob's ordered it too, so that's 3 of us in.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Mmmmm - I'm swaying towards buying this, despite my dislike of the first game!........

Gearbox was rightly criticized for a lacking PC version of Borderlands. But things have changed with Borderlands 2 — they've improved so much it's easily the version to buy, if you've got the kit to run it and the friends to play it with on the platform.

Technically speaking, the options available to PC players rival even the most technically accomplished PC exclusives. While the lack of hardware anti-aliasing may bother some sticklers, they'll likely be encouraged by field-of-view settings, ambient occlusion, depth of field, and framerate caps from 30 to 120FPS.

For everyone else, the proof is in the play. Borderlands 2 on PC at 60 frames per second is a smoother, better experience than its console counterparts. Control response is faster, and even moderately capable systems are unlikely to suffer the major framerate hits that the 360 version suffers when an elemental barrel chain reaction rocks the screen. And Borderlands 2 looks much clearer and much sharper at 1080p than the lower resolution pulled off on consoles.

As might be expected, the main point of contention for some players will be the number of friends they have who can join them on Borderlands 2 on PC. Co-op is clearly the optimal way to play, so in the end, a willing suite of willing cohorts might be the deciding factor.

My advice: find them. Borderlands 2 is a vastly superior experience on the PC.


  C1 VTR (Company Car)
My limited edition was dispatched today so I should get it tomorrow :D can't wait to get stuck into this been waiting for it since I completed the first one.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
I have it pre-loaded on Steam just in time for LAN this weekend. :cool:

Will be good smashing it up with the boys over a few beers!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Pre-ordered it last night (about 8pm), downloaded it, but wasn't going to wait until midnight when it unlocked to give it a try!

Think I will do tonight though. Just as a general question, on co-op, do all the players have to be a totally different class? They can't all be four of the same?

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I wasn't going to bother, but have just completed downloading it and will give it a bash at lunchtime.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Darren, did you get it on Xbox or PC mate? If 360 add me - Brando M83.

Amazon emailed to say it's been delivered at home - unfortunately I have to go to my mate's birthday tonight. Selfish! :)
  C1 VTR (Company Car)
Sat at work waiting for this to be delivered lol.

Was suppose to be delivered here a day early yesterday but ShopTo sent it to the wrong address. :(

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Darren, did you get it on Xbox or PC mate? If 360 add me - Brando M83.

Amazon emailed to say it's been delivered at home - unfortunately I have to go to my mate's birthday tonight. Selfish! :)

I very much expect he's got it on PC. The intro video is awesome.

Sure did. Playing any form of FPS with the pad is just an impossibility for me. It's about as intuitive and as reactive as swapping out my 182's steering wheel with a bale of straw.

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
First impressions are good, there is a lot of chit-chat and interruption from pop up menus, but hopefully that's just because I'm at the start. It runs really well and looks awesome, shame I won't be able to play it much this weekend as my PC is very much in need of a clean-out and replacement cooling liquid.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Has got another great review on Metro's Gamecentral (very well respected site) - 9 out of 10 (pretty rare). Coop is meant to be awesome - cannot wait for this!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
3 hours in - its MUCH better than the original.

Though within 3 minutes, I wanted to execute Claptrap. 180 minutes later, I'm trying desperately to blank out his voice. It's beyond infuriating.

  Mito Sportiva 135
Will have to get involved. Playing co-op though realised how short the gunzerker is - thought he was a hulk but is actually more of a hobbit!

Currently rolling with 3 rifles - one with incendiary, one with explosive shells, one high damage - and got tesla grenades. Level 11 now - concentrating all my badass points and level points on bigger clips, more damage and quicker reloads. Shoot to kill and worry about dying afterwards! :)
I was playing some last night, finally got to the parts where it opens up and you can do what you want.

Anyway I'm doing a quest and I must admit the PC version is fairly buggy, it's kinda making me want to stop playing already!
I've just killed a boss (can't give specifics as I'm not sure) - basically the first boss after you get into the main town (about 2-3 hours in):

* In this map there is some sort of electric post (it's big) in the middle of map, so my tactics were to bait it around and just keep shooting it, regenning health when I need to - he shot me through the object (died 3 times before managing to kill him due to this)!

* After that boss you have to kill 25 mobs with the weapon he drops - only 6 spawned so I was literally stood afk for ~30min waiting for mobs and nothing so rage quit. I walked around the area thinking perhaps I'd have to go find them - none in sight!

I came across a few others previous to this (car getting stuck in random places), but these two are the main ones that stood out and made me physically ragequit.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I've seen some characters not represented in the world correctly (half through the terrain etc) but nothing other than that.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I had a very annoying glitch - constant controller rumbling! Even after turning it on and off it still persisted, was awful!

Not noticed anything else yet though.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Up to level 13 now and playing co-op with my housemate...have to say this game is AMAZING. Most fun I've had for a while. There are often loads of enemies on screen, and when the music gets going it is so good.

Have a Gunzerker and was only using rifles...but now using 2 SMGs against robot adversaries, and when you reload both of them they fire off like grenades, plus 1 has an x8 reload speed so absolutely mental in gunzerker mode. Finally picked up a rocket launcher and also rolling with cluster grenades. Amazing!


Awesome game.

Couldn't really care about the story, just killing people is awesome, lol.

Did some Battle Royale type thing the other night, was mental. Proper difficult, funky tunes on too!
