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Xbox Live Arcade - Street Fighter II

  Yaris Hybrid
800 points.

One thing to say


The difficulty level is stupid!!! I could finish it on the SNES on level 3 and doing it on level 0 was dead easy.

But this is stupid. Even on level 0 the CPU characters just go mental, trap you in a corner and do every special move going to take you down in a few seconds!!!
  172 cup TT
whats this points thing all about? not got an xbox etc so i havent a clue chaps... but used to enter SF Tournies up London from SSF2X -> SFZ3 so kinda got a slight idea what the games all about ;) - Ryan "zangief" hart anyone?

May buy an xbox JUST for this - is there any lag etc??
(ahem - geek ;) )
  Yaris Hybrid
Basically you can buy stuff on Xbox Live like these classic arcade games, extra maps for shooters or extra cars and tracks for racers using points that you buy with real money.

SF2 costs about 800 points which is somewhere between £6 and £7 in real money. As to why they dont just charge us in er money I have no idea! Seems daft converting money to points to buy stuff.

I played my bro online and there was no lag.

This is definitely not the console version, it is the full on rock hard arcade version.
  172 cup TT
ah bloody great cheers! is it only on the 360 tho?? would love this...

Ah "rock hard" is just a perspective lol - although chunners style of play totally changed in turbo didnt it with the intro of her fireball.. and Ken just goes spastic as usual
  Yaris Hybrid
Only on 360.

No seriously I mean REALLY hard.

On level 0 you will get absolutely raped by the second or third match.

Yeah this version has all those extra moves chucked in so all the characters are rock hard.
Does anyone play SF Third Strike on normal XBox??

Past couple of months, no one seems to be online for me to challenge.....ans me got so good aswell.....

Have to wait till midnight for the Yanks to log on.....
  Golf Mk6 Oil Burner
Been playin Galaga on xbox live arcade for the past couple of days .... why are the old ones so damn addictive ??????
come on guys, it's not that hard :rolleyes:

finished it last night playing it at my mates, but it plays more like the SNES version that the arcade, as I'm pretty sure that's the code they used. Only annoying thing is M. Bison and the fact he can just pull moves off that require you to hold a direction for a period of time, at will... nothing a bit of trapping in the corner with E. Honda and the hundred hand slap wont sort... or streams of fireballs followed by uppercuts with Ken or Ryu ;)
  172 cup TT
TheJesus said:
Only annoying thing is M. Bison and the fact he can just pull moves off that require you to hold a direction for a period of time...

Turbo snes plays just like Turbo Arcade - Dload mame plus the rom to see...

Computer Guile has always been guilty of this over the years from Hyper onwards, just pulling flash kicks out of the bag from a blatant walking forward / backward motion.... although playing AS guile try the combo deep flying kick, STANDING (not ducking) HP, into flash kick ;) (if i remembered that rightly, god, mustve been 5yrs or so since i last played it)


Right, I need to rant and it's not about the game. That's fine.

The D pad on the 360 pad is the most shocking pile of shite D pad I have ever been unfortunate to use. The only time I used one as bad was on a previous MS PC pad which had tilt switches in it. How the hell am I expect to bang in dragon punches at will when you can't rotate the pad easily, or even push it in one direction whithout catching another.

I finished the game last night, so it's not hard, it's just the random inputs from the pad that really got me going.

I'm going to try and find a third party pad with a decent D pad just for games like that.
  Revels Mum & Sister
LOL I was waiting for the comment about the D Pad.

I know the feeling, I have downloaded yet but played round a mates yesterday and if it had been my pad it would have been on the other side of the room in pieces.

Try a Joytech one Lee


I noticed due to MS's new licensing fee on 360 hardware 3rd party stuff is few and far between.

Those pads are very strong, far stronger than my wall, leg, fist and head. lol

Some of the Logitech PS2 and Xbox pads were good. Hopefully they'll do a 360 one so I can enjoy SF II HF.

BTW, Saints Row is very good. Nothing like sex, violence drugs and bad language, and of course cars.
  172 cup TT
b****cks.. was meaning to ask about the controller!! bums.. would love a PS style.

Also, how do you enter text online saying GG etc?.. do you buy a keyboard? or can you plug a normal USB / PS2 Kboard in?
  Revels Mum & Sister
I thought Joytech had allready released pads or do you mean you cant find one Lee?

Will have to give Saints Row a bash. Will be downloading street fighter myself later.

Yeah the pads are pretty tough. One of mine is a bit fucked though LOL


I've not looked yet Chris. Will have a dig around later.

You don't need to add text Floodie, that's what the headset is for. You can chose if you want to enable voice when hosting a fight though, should you not want to talk to your opponent.
  172 cup TT
ah mental.. although, if people over hear me i would think im sounding a bit of a t**t talking over the net :) hehe.. typing is enough but talking?? hmm maybe id need to get used to that hehe
  Revels Mum & Sister
Abusing noobs on the 360 is where its at

Is all good fun if not a bit weird, best thing is you can play naked and the other people have no f**king idea ;)


Rasclart said:
Abusing noobs on the 360 is where its at

Is all good fun if not a bit weird, best thing is you can play naked and the other people have no f**king idea ;)

I've got the cam for the 360 so people can see me naked if I chose. ;)
  Yaris Hybrid
Bullsh*t have a load of you finished it!

I got the achievement for playing as all 12 characters though! :cool:


Toypop said:
Bullsh*t have a load of you finished it!

I got the achievement for playing as all 12 characters though! :cool:

I've completed the full arcade mode. Played it through as Ryu. Add Rod Street to your Xbox live friends list and you'll see I've completed it as it's an achievement.


Took me from about 8 until 11 last night. Just had a quick go and breezed the first 3 rounds, then perfected the bonus stage.

I used to play Street Fighter a lot, one of the lads I work with used to be one of the best in the country, and still is. He could beat me one handed on the SNES while eating his lunch!!!

I dont' think I want to play anymore though, until I go feed in the moves I want on that pathetic D pad I don't want to play it. I can't do dragons at will, and that's bad.:(
  172 cup TT
Lee said:
one of the lads I work with used to be one of the best in the country, and still is.

What is his name mate? and any ideas which comps he won? did he used to play up Namco in London? - Bet ive played him...


Zafar Qamar, he never entered any of the big comps but did beat the UKs best in a friendly.


Yes, Xbox Live Arcade. You can download game demos, movies, additional game content and full games from it.

For the last 5 weeks they have uploaded a new full old skool game each Wednesday. This week was street fighter II Hyper Fighting, next week is Pacman.


Rasclart said:
Is the cam out yet or have you managed to get a pre release one at work?

Not out yet. MS sent us one to play with. It doesn't look anything like the preview pics I've seen, it's tiny. The quality is very good.

My gamerpic that my friends can see should be last months Evo Magazine cover.
  Nippy white cup
I downloaded this a couple of nights back...I set a game up with a friend and the lag was rediculas! I`m on 2 meg line and he is on a 1 mb. There was a very slight (probably 1.4 sec) between you ducking/jumping/blocking and it actually reacting which on SF2 is a lifetime. Haven`t been online against others yet but this put me off a little. As does the pad lol.

  172 cup TT
Lee: bloody sure that name rings a bell..

Chris N Nic : s**t! seriously????? i MAYBE getting a 360 this weekend mainly due to this SF2 and to hear that has really put a downer on it... is everyone else getting bad lag??? or may it have been freakish network problems... Whos you ISP CnNic?


I was playing online last night. I had seriously bad lag with one guy but others were fine.

I'm with Plusnet and have roughly 6mb down and whatever crap upload ADSL has these days.
  Polo GTi
Chris n nic said:
I downloaded this a couple of nights back...I set a game up with a friend and the lag was rediculas! I`m on 2 meg line and he is on a 1 mb. There was a very slight (probably 1.4 sec) between you ducking/jumping/blocking and it actually reacting which on SF2 is a lifetime. Haven`t been online against others yet but this put me off a little. As does the pad lol.


You forget your gay thou?

I read on Technet, it could affect your pings
  172 cup TT
Lee said:
I'm with Plusnet and have roughly 6mb down and whatever crap upload ADSL has these days.

Hmm plusmnet host some pretty decent UT2k4 tournie servers so you havent a bad provider there i guess.. When its good, how close to 1v1 is it tho? is the lag ALWAYS apparent?
