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Why do some waxes cost so much.

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  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Not sure if you're being serious or just argumentative? Always thought it was called beading? Who said beading it isn't beading? It's still part of a wax or sealants water behaviour is it not? Just not taking into account how else it performs.

you don't have to try many products to see a difference in water behaviour, or beading. And no cost doesn't necessarily mean better water behaviour, or beading

I think there is also a case for people that have not tried for themselves to come it with certain comments to be a little naive

I'd welcome anyone to try and say that swissvax shield isn't a better wax in every way when compared to collinites 476 if price was removed from the consideration


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
You lost me with contact angle . Care to explain ? I'm genuinely interested . I understand the longevity , gloss etc .... not really the warmth part though . Having a blue car , it's a cold colour so i don't understand how that works either ? I wouldn't dream of spending 3 figures on a pot of wax , 30 odd quids the most I've ever spent and I'm more than happy with the results , beading, looks etc ....

@Yellow Dave

I'm being serious , not argumentative , just a debate really . Just that I read quite a few posts in the detailing section and it does interest me . I know some of you guys are deadly serious about detailing and I've taken onboard some good advice over the years from these posts .
It's like comparing Tesco Value Bitter to a proper beer, or a Metro to a McLaren P1.

There are differences that enhance what the product is there to do, whether or not you understand or could justify spending that much more to get it is a different story.


ClioSport Club Member
Correct RE blue car but imagine a flat red, by warmth I mean it adds a certain warm glow to finish. Unfortunately I can only describe with words, I can't share my eyes.

Tbh if you're happy with £30 wax, don't worry yourself with it. There are plenty of nice LSPs at that price!

Contact angle- the angle between the flat surface and the inside of the water drop. If the water drop was square it would be 90deg, if equilateral triangle 60deg etc


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Correct RE blue car but imagine a flat red, by warmth I mean it adds a certain warm glow to finish. Unfortunately I can only describe with words, I can't share my eyes.

Tbh if you're happy with £30 wax, don't worry yourself with it. There are plenty of nice LSPs at that price!

Contact angle- the angle between the flat surface and the inside of the water drop. If the water drop was square it would be 90deg, if equilateral triangle 60deg etc
The only way to learn , is to ask questions . Mine beads nicely , not sure at what angle though lol , they're more curved . I guess I must be doing something right with my cheapo £30 pot :smile:


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Anyway. Wax only adds ~5% to the finish. So it matters to few people
So why spend say £100 for a pot that only adds 5% to finish ? To me that sounds like even less reason to shell out silly money for a product that does the least ? I'm assuming that the first stages i.e. polish , sealants are the products that give the best final result ? If so , why don't people spend crazy amounts of money on these products ?


ClioSport Club Member
This thread is full of flannels.

f**king peasants.
So why spend say £100 for a pot that only adds 5% to finish ? To me that sounds like even less reason to shell out silly money for a product that does the least ? I'm assuming that the first stages i.e. polish , sealants are the products that give the best final result ? If so , why don't people spend crazy amounts of money on these products ?
Because if you enjoy the results, and you can afford it? Why the hell not. It's a hobby.

Personally, I just like nice things. If I buy into something, I try to get the best I can afford. I'm also quite eclectic.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Is that remark aiimed at me ? I'm asking genuine , pertinent questions here that people with less knowledge might learn from as well as myself .

I got bored of reading the s**t in page one so no, not specifically at you but as you've had to ask you've probably been adding to the s**t this thread had already produced. Maybe not as I've not read your posts.


ClioSport Club Member
Collinite 845 ftw! Lol.

It's more than understandable why people pay more though, I've never actually even used an expensive wax but received plenty of good comments on how clean and shiny the 182 was when I was using 845 so I'm happy with that. Some people want the best there is with certain things.

Thing with waxes is that the difference in appearance at least is pretty marginal in quite a big price range.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I got bored of reading the s**t in page one so no, not specifically at you but as you've had to ask you've probably been adding to the s**t this thread had already produced. Maybe not as I've not read your posts.

Thanks for your constructive criticism , even though you actually contributed nothing useful to this post for me , the OP or anybody else that might be interested . At least my posts were inquisitive , if nothing else . Like i said before in a previous post . The only way to learn is to ask .


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
You quoted me you silly fucker. Was I supposed to give you advice because you quoted me?!

f**king hell.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
You quoted me you silly fucker. Was I supposed to give you advice because you quoted me?!

f**king hell.
Ahhhhh . So you're a detailing guru too ? I beg my pardon . I'd never have guessed as your lack of useful information wasn't forthcoming , unlike some other people who have actually tried to explain a few things in this post . To which I am grateful , you truly can learn something new everyday , as the cliche goes .


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
You're a bit of a weapon aren't you. Don't buy too much of an expensive wax, you'll probably eat it, that'd be a waste.

As said before my comment was referring to the muppets on the first page and not you, but yet you seem to think I should've come in here with the soul purpose of giving you advice.

Glad you're learning though, perhaps you'd like a gold star?

Battery Nonce

ClioSport Club Member
I think there is a certain element of detailing that tricks the detailers into thinking they're getting a superior product everytime in order for them to spend money. I've been on detailingworld for around 5 years now and the amount of new products that come, then people claim it's the best thing ever, then another new product comes along and then the older one becomes redundant is quite astonishing. It's like its a fashion in a way but as long as it keeps them/us happy then that's cool :)

Ive had the same pot of wax for 4 years now. Colli #915 for the win haha


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I always thought it was called beading myself . Or maybe I'm just not in touch with these newer detailing terms like " water behaviour. " Any product , be it a £15 pot of Nattys or a £100 pot of Glasur will bead . Is there water different behaviour from different waxes ? Do more expensive waxes behave better, if so , how are the better ? As long as it repels water , isn't that one of the main reasons as well as offering some form or protection that we wax cars ? I do think there is an element of Lemmingness ( a made up word i know , it refers to the animal the Lemming ) when it comes to products ? Somebody said xyz product was the best thing since sliced bread , somebody else jumps on the band wagon and agrees and before you know it , hey ho , we have a new product that's taking the world by storm and cost becomes irrelevant . If a bird s***s on a car that's been waxed with a £15 pot of wax or a £100 pot of wax , and that s**t is acidic , the chances are it might damage the paintwork if it's not removed quickly . I'm just not convinced that spending all that money on a wax is in any way , shape or form beneficial to the car , even looks wise .
That post alone shows you don't understand last step protection.
  Clio 172 PH2
Ive used autoglym all my days, Im happy with the results, happy with the price and the less time I spend polishing and making it look shiny the more time I can spend driving and worry about the more important things! Who gives a f**k about beading and water angles and warmth and all that Jazz, Rub it on rub it off its shiney. Get the dyson in the footwells and on the seats, if you've got stains thats usually nothing a bit of fairy liquid a damp cloth can't sort! I sometimes really push the boat out too and get the pledge out for the dashboard!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
So why spend say £100 for a pot that only adds 5% to finish ? To me that sounds like even less reason to shell out silly money for a product that does the least ? I'm assuming that the first stages i.e. polish , sealants are the products that give the best final result ? If so , why don't people spend crazy amounts of money on these products ?

Are you just ignoring what he's telling you?! Jesus H! You're lucky i'm not a mod, this thread wouldn't have got past the 3rd post.

The Psychedelic Socialist

ClioSport Club Member
Whilst I appreciate that a committed detailer can probably tell the difference getting up close to the car and really going over it with a fine tooth-comb, I just don't hold with some of the comparisons being made above (cheap beer vs. branded etc.).

I just think that if I gave my car a good wash, an application of Dodo Juice All-in-one and a wipe down with Last Touch that the photos of it would be virtually indistinguishable from photos of the same car with £1,000 wax on it.

Sure, if you start taking macro photos of beading, or getting the sun lamp out you might see the difference but pulling into a garage under artificial lighting my car would look 99% as good as the ultra expensive product version to 99% of people.
Whilst I appreciate that a committed detailer can probably tell the difference getting up close to the car and really going over it with a fine tooth-comb, I just don't hold with some of the comparisons being made above (cheap beer vs. branded etc.).

But that's exactly it, you've just said you prefer cheaper products, therefore you're not bothered how much better it is. The key to what you've said is 99% of people.

I get why the OP asked why he did, but the lack of common sense and huge amount of special is overwhelming in here (not saying it's the OP, just in general).

The Psychedelic Socialist

ClioSport Club Member
But that's exactly it, you've just said you prefer cheaper products, therefore you're not bothered how much better it is. The key to what you've said is 99% of people.

I get why the OP asked why he did, but the lack of common sense and huge amount of special is overwhelming in here (not saying it's the OP, just in general).

I think we're probably on the same page but my point was more that the difference between cheap and expensive detailing products is much narrower than a lot of detailers might care to admit.

If you have to resort to sun lamps and super-close inspection to spot the differences between products I'd argue that the (greatly) increased costs don't represent anything like value for money.

Obviously detailing is a hobby in of itself and for some people it is important to know that the car looks great even under super-close inspection but if your goal is to make your car look good to other people who won't be getting the magnifying glass out, then most of these expensive products are a bit of a waste.

DISCLAIMER: Whilst I am a cheapo / lazy car cleaner I'm well aware of what's involved and have spent far too long poring over the showroom and studio forums on DW.


ClioSport Club Member
Why are people prepared to pay huge amounts of money when something costing one tenth of the price will do, for 99% of consumers, the exact same thing?

My boss spent £1,000 on a pair of specs recently. My assistant questioned why she would spend that much money on something she only ever wore at her work desk?

My belief is that she spent £1,000 pn a pair of glasses not because she wanted £1,000 worth of glasses, but so she could tell people she'd spent £1,000 on a pair of glasses.

Wax purchases fall into that category I reckon.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Why are people prepared to pay huge amounts of money when something costing one tenth of the price will do, for 99% of consumers, the exact same thing?

My boss spent £1,000 on a pair of specs recently. My assistant questioned why she would spend that much money on something she only ever wore at her work desk?

My belief is that she spent £1,000 pn a pair of glasses not because she wanted £1,000 worth of glasses, but so she could tell people she'd spent £1,000 on a pair of glasses.

Wax purchases fall into that category I reckon.
Wrong. People who know wax know how much it costs regardless. But...... more expensive wax in a lot of cases feels nicer and more premium to use. Whether packaging or heritage or just the actually way it feels to use and apply.
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