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Apple Charger/Cable issues.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Okay so I'm about to go to apple to get my 3rd replacement cable for my iPhone 5, my GF is coming with me to get her 3rd as well.

What number is everyone else on? These things are made of aids. Can't knock Apple though, it's not like they've spent the past 10 years producing laptops with well known flimsy charger issues giving them the chance to learn from the past.

That was sarcasm, by the way. Their chargers are pissing dreadful. All of my Macbooks have had problems with them, and I distinctly remember my old iPhone 3G's cable falling apart. And on a side note, all of my iPhones give me a mild shock when they are plugged in and I brush them with my arm or w/e.

Basically, what I'm getting at is how can a company as big and Successful as Apple go to all this effort with their battery powered products, then get some s**t stabber to design the chargers. I'm just saying I never had this problem with my 50p Acer laptop, or my Nokia 3310. It's not like it needs a groundbreaking idea or millions spent on research, just make it last more than a couple of months or I'll come round your house and piss in your cornflakes.
I don't know what you are doing to them to be honest.

I have been using apple products for years and all the original chargers work.

I have the first gen iPad and I still use the original charger - daily!


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Well I plug the phone in and just swing it around the room via the cable, this is how they charge is it not?


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
The lock button on my 5 has been rattly since I bought it, now it barely works at all or unlocks itself randomly. Trip to Apple! I know they'll sort it, they've always been good for me. Just annoying when I spend so much money on their stuff and I have to keep going. £600 outright for a phone isnt exactly cheap.
Never had a problem with any of my chargers or cables. The only one that was showing some signs of wear, was my iPhone cable. From 2007.
  An orange one
Never had a problem with a charger or cable, but my 5's charging slot went all loose so got it replaced,


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Me and my wife (ip4 ip3 respectively) are still on our original chargers and have never had an issue.

My iPhone 5 for example looks like it's just been taken out of the box, whereas others are saying that theirs looks like it's just been put through a wood chipper, and they've never even so much as touched it since they opened the box and put it on a bed of cotton wool.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
As I've already said, I paid £600 for this outright. So it's spent it's life in a case and looks brand new. I take pride in how much I look after my things, even when my 4 was getting old I still had it in a case. Also means come iPhone 6 time I can sell it for all of the monies.

Also I've had apple products (computers and the like) since I were a lad n that. They all still work fine, main problem has been flimsy iPhone buttons and iPhone software. And of course, charger cables. My '08 MacBook went through 3 whilst under warranty and I had to buy an eBay special before I sold it!
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I'm still using the original charger lead that my iPhone 4 came with three years ago. I'm still on my orignal mag safe 2 that came with my mac.

You must use your leads for skipping or towing.


ClioSport Club Member
  MR2,TT V6,Mini x 2
Are you buying genuine replacements or cheap copies? I had a copy cable for about £2, it lasted about 30 seconds before exploding into a thousand pieces.

I find the original cables to be fine, i've got one that is about 5 years old, the outer cable cover is split and the inner cables or showing bt it still does it's job perfectly.
  Bus w**ker
I've got loads of the knock off ones, original 30 pin and lightning, they all work perfectly for both charging (mains and USB) and sync.


ClioSport Club Member
Never had an issues with either official or rip off cables. One next to the bed is official I think, the numerous others I have lying around or get thrown in various bags for travelling with work or personal are also all fine.

No idea what people do to them.
3rd cable here on my iPhone 5 since September. They get weak where the cable meets the connector for the phone. I was onto my second cable with my 4 prior to this, I lie in bed playing on my phone before sleeping which holds the cable at a right angle it seems to just mash the wires inside. This third one is looking from right now I get an apple replacement from curries think its £8.
