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Just buckle up eh guys gotta b careful

  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

O my god still shaken about this massive accident i saw last night.

Was going down London road (Near epsom,surrey) and saw this enormous accident. Pulled up, no police there, just a few people, some woman had lost control must have been going 50+ hit a lamppost and basically destroyed the car and some lampost, she was conscious and seemed to be ok, blood everywhere. I was standing there and they call out her name, she goes louise, I was like fair play, plenty of louises around. So then she’s like bleeding outta her head proper, I mean serious, shes screaming a stuff and eventually lke 3 old bill cars and 4 ambulances all turn up. They ask her surname and she was like “paul”…then it clicked, I knew some bird who used to go out with a mate of mine years ago named louise paul. A fat oldish bird who worked with me at ambition, a nursing recruitment agency 5 YEARS AGO! So I wasn’t sure etc, but when they pulled her out I was pretty convinced it was her rang my mate, he rang her and no answer, he rang ambition and asked when she was due in, they were like 7 the following morning.(i.e. today)

Rang up ambition today, she’s not in and it’s all confirmed it was her, apparently she’s broken her leg and fractured her collar bone among other things, but not life threatening. Soooo scary. Well shook me up, especially and ironically since I was about to boot it and show off what my car could do to my mates. WEIRD. I know its got nothing to do with you guys, but its sh*t me up and i wanted to tell someone.

The engine was basically on the driver seat, exhaust was in a garden near by and so was a wheel.petrol everywhere . Really never seen anything like it. Just be careful out there folks and always buckle up cause she definitely hadnt.

you have to be rather stupid to drive without your belt on its just as stupid as drink driving and various other things
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

cheers mate, as i say i hadnt spoken to her or anything in 5 years. Your so right, still sh*t it proper though, so scary when it aint on the tele!

Yeah never dont wear your belt, its like people who post about removing air bags from there cars on other forums, have a right go :mad:

Ive been driving slowly for the last month since a freind was in a car accident, basically dont learn the hard way.

when his car stopped rolling, he had a broken neck, 12 facial fractures and part of his skull missing exposing his brain, that was at 60mph so your freind was lucky!
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

^^^f**king hell mate^^^

yeah mate, im terrible for speeding, really gonna calm it down.

[Edited by David on 07 January 2005 at 10:52am]

Quote: Originally posted by BluePete on 07 January 2005

Yeah never dont wear your belt, its like people who post about removing air bags from there cars on other forums, have a right go :mad:

Ive been driving slowly for the last month since a freind was in a car accident, basically dont learn the hard way.

when his car stopped rolling, he had a broken neck, 12 facial fractures and part of his skull missing exposing his brain, that was at 60mph so your freind was lucky!
unfortunatly airbags arnt always that great and can cause more injurys

i see an air bag discusion coming on, in a standard car with normal seats youd have to be stupid to remove your air bag and put in a mechano ripseed metal steering wheel!

Note: my freinds car didnt have an airbag 106 Xsi.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

well in this case the airbag would have saved her banging her head i rekon, she was in the passenger seat with her head hanging out where the door was!

yes removing in standard car is silly but they arnt all that good with them been designed to be able to catch a range of people all different sizes and weights they have flaws and some of them can hurt fat people arnt friends with airbags i can tel you that

Hope shes recovers soon m8.

Speaking of witnessing accidents, i have neva once, suppose its luck. Although the other month my b.f was driving up the A12, and a titsed up black civic coupe goin like a bat out of hell ova took him goin approx 120+, locked up goin into corner and smashed straight into central reservation..bits flew everywhere, the car was obilterated, absoulutly nothing left. Nobody could have survived:(.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Quote: Originally posted by dogmaul on 07 January 2005

yes removing in standard car is silly but they arnt all that good with them been designed to be able to catch a range of people all different sizes and weights they have flaws and some of them can hurt fat people arnt friends with airbags i can tel you that
Correct. I had a side impact in mine and the side airbag in the seat went off. All it did was inflate right into the back of my arm and give me a massive bruise, then to add insult to injury it costs a sh*tload to replace. I can understand why they did steering wheel airbags but all the others (side airbags/curtain airbags etc) I cant see a need for. They just bump up the cost of insurance claims in my opinion.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

yeh can c ur point, im a little fella, probably bust up my whole face with one of them going off on it. still better than hitting sold metal or dash isnt it?

guess there only good at high speed, I mean renault do have a very good safety record in the new cars, take the Modus and Megane, 5*

Ill always want at leaste a steering wheel air bag but guess its ok cos Im not to big or small and dont lurch over my wheel like a chav

but yeah about seeing an accident etc, most young drivers do drive like their invincible until something happens, like I said its best not to learn the hard way...

i found best way to slow me down is to have the gf in the car im very carefull with her in and now im just used to driving a bit slower so do it all the time
  RB182cup&golf gti

weird how things happen - reminds me of a few years ago i was flying along a carriage way at night and some ppl on side of road starting waving madly at me to slow down so i did - round the bend and half the road shut, massive accident - Had those ppl not been there at the roadside i doubt i would be here now, makes you think....slow down

Quote: Originally posted by hoe261 on 07 January 2005

weird how things happen - reminds me of a few years ago i was flying along a carriage way at night and some ppl on side of road starting waving madly at me to slow down so i did - round the bend and half the road shut, massive accident - Had those ppl not been there at the roadside i doubt i would be here now, makes you think....slow down

Reminds me, I live just off a big round-a-bout, which you can fly around, it connects the A308, 50mph road. There was a crash down my way, which is a smaller 30mph exit.

There was a crash there and the police parked across the r/a exit, along came mr young boy racer around the r/a and slap into the side of the cop car, poor lad, was ok, shaken and probably very red faced!

When I first got the 172, drove like a nutter, learnt when I saw megane coupe in a ditch after it was trying to keep up with me.........

Now drive slower, cos people do try to chase you in silly cars that cant match the handling and lose it totally...........
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

well not totally but yeh engine had been pushed a fair bit into the cabin bit, the sterring wheel was like on the back seat. she had her leg trapped in the footwell of the driver part. had to get firemen to cut her out and everything.

x1 peugeot 206, f**ked!

i never drive anywhere without a seatbelt, even moving the car on and off the drive feels odd without it. As for airbags i think they are 50/50 at helping/making worse injuries in an accident.

seat belt saved me before, hit head on by drink driver

car had no airbags either so i was guna go straight through windscreen, climbed out with just marks from the seat belt, passengers were all fine aswel, well apart from a bottle of vodka which smashed all over the dashboard and went everywhere!

was bit strange, car was sticky and stunk of alcohol but i didnt get breathalised, bad copper, hadnt touched a drop anyway, well until it splashed all over me

seatbelts, dont drive without 1

My mates a firefighter and goes to loads of accidents. He has been to about 5 recently (in the last couple of months), 4 of them were fatal and no other cars involved, just people going off the road into stuff. Its really slowed me down hearing about what he finds. Generally, it doesnt matter what car youre in and what safety stuff youve got, if you hit something solid and immovable like a tree or bridge or barrell roll the car at anything over about 50mph youre history. Under that and its whether its your lucky day or not. More often than not youd be lucky to survive.

IMO youd be stupid to remove an airbag or not to wear a seat belt, you never know whats round the corner.....
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

Yeh too right before i got my clio i had a blowout going down the a3 at 80mph. flipped it and rolled it and i cam eout with some brusies on my chest and knees. thats it, phew i tell ya.

Quote: Originally posted by David on 07 January 2005

Yeh too right before i got my clio i had a blowout going down the a3 at 80mph. flipped it and rolled it and i cam eout with some brusies on my chest and knees. thats it, phew i tell ya.
Ouch! flipped at 80? Youre a lucky man, I am guessing that you didnt barrell roll.....
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport

yeh i did barrell roll it couple of times i have been told. apparently the fact that im 54 saved my life! any taller and i could have bumped my head :)

David - Thats pretty amazing and lucky,..... what are your lottery numbers btw!

The worse that Ive had was about 12 years ago almost being T-boned by someone jumping a red light. The doris who hit me (drivers side) ploughed in at about 40mph and I just saw her coming in time to stamp on the anchors so she only went into my wing and not into the drivers door. Boths cars written off, right mess but I got away with bruises. (She was checking her make up in the mirror on her way to work and missed the light!)
  fat 182

my old man and and my missus best friend where killed within four weeks of each other last year

both cos they where riding and driving like idiots

drive carfully it not nice having to tell your 11 year old twin brothers there dads just been killed then three weeks later telling your other half her best friend dead

a driving licence is a licence to kill so think next time you put your foot down !

im no angel but it has carmed me down alot on the road
