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  1. I

    Cup or 172

    Hey peeps, I got a bit of a problem, my parents are gonna order a 172 or a cup this week, But they cannot decide which. Its for my mum to use in the week and my dad wants it to use at the weekends... What do you guys think would be the best idea? Where would you say the best place to...
  2. I

    Cup or 172

    Hey peeps, I got a bit of a problem, my parents are gonna order a 172 or a cup this week, But they cannot decide which. Its for my mum to use in the week and my dad wants it to use at the weekends... What do you guys think would be the best idea? Where would you say the best place to...
  3. I

    dynamique alloy size, the definative answer!

    What is the largest size alloys you can get on a dynamique with 35mm drop and what offset is needed, everyone says different things im soooo confused!!