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  1. sharklover

    # My Official Diary Of Ownership - 172 Flamer #

    Just sexy like mine but in 16"! ;)
  2. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Hello all! Some news from my ride! :D My flamer make me glad of it three times on tracks. :cool: I've made video system on my bumpers to remember those days! :) So this is a video in very bad quality, (thanks internet :dead:) to show you Gran Turismo session :clown: >>>>This way<<<<
  3. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Thanks you all! :o The foam was too hard and fragile on the leg side! So I décided to remove it and replace it like this and result is better than expected! :)
  4. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Hye all! Some news from my ride! :approve: The interior: New rims, OZ F1+ in white to change from before! :D and a last to see the offset (37)
  5. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Hello all! It was a long time I 've not been here because of my job so I've to give you new pics (a lot!!!) Since the last time, i've finished to make my new interior. I' can't explain all the pics because of my poor vocabulary but a lot of pics will make you understood how I 've make it...
  6. sharklover

    Silver, anthracite or something else? All opinions please!

    White! :) To get a racing style! :approve:
  7. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Thank you for the picture Christophe! There are more pics from my clio! :) Seat without his cover: I used some cotton foam to make volume: Then I created the cover: And when the cover was finished: The first half back of the seat is ready: And the second: Then I ran...
  8. sharklover

    French One!

    Nice car Botien! :D
  9. sharklover

    French One!

    This one: Axia Zolder 17" but in anthracite grey on the picture! :)
  10. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Yes, I think, it's the meaning! ;)
  11. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Yes, for us "Diodes Electro-Luminescentes = DEL" For you it's "LED"! :) But I don't know the meaning in english!
  12. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Yes, the ones on this link just look the same as standard! You should find an electronic store to find the DEL's you want! :)
  13. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Good luck For your studies, ;) No, Unfortunately, I can't be on strike... :( Thank you very much! :o Excuse me but I don't understand all the words you used! :S But thank you for the encouragements! :) I've put en exemple on the first 3 pages! :) On the first, yellow, the second is...
  14. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    In the North of France! Thank you for encouragements! :)
  15. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    I was scared too! But I bought bigger ones! ;) Thank you! :) No problems! ;)
  16. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Thank you! :) This is my Xmas holidays! So I've time! :o
  17. sharklover

    New Addition to the cup!

    Very nice! :D
  18. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    There are some news from my ride! :) I began to change the cover on all my seats! So, first, I remove ancients covers and seaprate all pieces! Now I can't go back! :S This is my best friend for next month! :clown: Here is original seat on the front: ...and on the back! First you must...
  19. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    A few fresh pics of my ride: :cool: :)
  20. sharklover

    French meeting pics /!\ 56k

    In "OISE" just upper on the left of Paris
  21. sharklover

    French meeting pics /!\ 56k

  22. sharklover

    French meeting pics /!\ 56k

    This is Axia Zolder 17" with grey paint! ;)
  23. sharklover

    French meeting pics /!\ 56k

    Thank you all! Another pics:
  24. sharklover

    French meeting pics /!\ 56k

    Thank you all! :o We were 20 clios :approve:
  25. sharklover

    French meeting pics /!\ 56k

    Here is some pics and a little video about our little meeting last sunday! We've got a little forum about our clios! Hope you enjoy! :) And the little vidéo! :)...
  26. sharklover

    Black tail Lights, help finding them
  27. sharklover

    Black tail Lights, help finding them

    It's on Ebay France! ;)
  28. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Thank you very much! :)
  29. sharklover

    Newbie from France!

    Remove your dial! :D
  30. sharklover


    It's nice! :)