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Recent content by tef_92

  1. tef_92

    1.2 starting issues

    16 valve buddy
  2. tef_92

    1.2 starting issues

    There am easy way of doing that? Not the best under the bonnet :) haha thanks.
  3. tef_92

    1.2 starting issues

    Oh and another point, when the is idoling for a while it sometimes cuts out? Thanks again for any info that's given!
  4. tef_92

    1.2 starting issues

    Hi guys, having trouble with my car starting, a while ago It happened, changed faulty battery and coil pack then it ran fine.. For a while! Turns out some injectors were on their way out and one was broken, bought a full real from a reliable source, changed it, now it ran fine once again, but...
  5. tef_92

    Car starting issues

    Changed battery then had to bump start it, seems ok now though :)
  6. tef_92

    Car starting issues

    Yeah it is, could it be a weak battery holding the immobiliser on? Am not the best with this kinda stuff haha, and does the crankshaft sensor affect the starting of a car sometimes?
  7. tef_92

    Car starting issues

    Hi guys, having trouble starting my car, I recently damaged my knee and was unable to drive for 3 weeks, I only ticked the car over 3 times during and when I went to start it tonight the battery was obviously flat, got the jump leads out which gave it some life, but now when I go to start it, it...
  8. tef_92

    Rear Diamond Help

    Yeah lol, chubby thumbs on an iPhone sometimes bad mistakes :) good to know, thanks mate :)
  9. tef_92

    Rear Diamond Help

    Ahhhh so smoother surfaces like bullets and badges you need to key and rougher you dont like bumps trips for example? Sorry for the silly questions I'm new to this as you can tell :P
  10. tef_92

    Rear Diamond Help

    quick question, do you need to sand the diamonds down at all? sounds silly but havent done the diamonds before :)
  11. tef_92


    Yeah probably, it has been there for ages too, my girlfriends brother in law is a mechanic so al see if he could pass it for the time beingas money is tight ;) haha!
  12. tef_92


    Yeah I noticed that, the crack is on my line of site and I'm hoping it's only 10 mm, al measure sometime soon :) knowing my luck it'll be 11 mm haha,, thanks again!
  13. tef_92

    heater panel bulb? non climate control

    Glad I read some threads wore posting one, looking to do exactly the same for same reasons , thanks :D
  14. tef_92


    Thanks for the info guys, it's an 02 expression so can't see it brig any more than what you guys paid? Haha, looking at that link it seems to be 40mm cheers :) i'll ask a a garage before I do anything about it, could get lucky coz i dont think its over 40 mm. just thought I'd ask on here first haha.
  15. tef_92


    basically my windscreen has developed a small crack and a chip over the past year, it's due an MOT soon and I'm wondering if this could fail it as its in my vision? Insurance doesn't cover widescreen (never looked when got insurance) so could be a pain if it does :( Any info would be greatly...