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Recent content by Mat-g

  1. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    YO! Wasn't asking for financial advice people, just places to go in England for a drive. Financial details bYoil down to, my mum is paying the 1300 for my insurance, I am paying her back monthly. Is that alright? Fronting: lending someone the money that they don't have available immediately...
  2. M

    Funniest Thing You Have Been Told By A Dealer...

    If there's something I've learned from reading this thread, it's that I should take my car anywhere but a dealer to get a service and MOT. Anyone got any good places in Cambridge?
  3. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    In October? Ha, you live near Wales? Fancy meeting up for a skin if I pass that way? I need ideas for my car.
  4. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    now you've thrown me :/ I like the ice cream in Cornwall tbf. I'm only really after a destination so I can get back from sleeping in my car and doing what I like for a weekend and tell people I went to Cornwall. Not that I spent a weekend by myself being a f*cking loser because that's what I...
  5. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    Where in Scotland buddy? I'd get to the border and go 'now where?' Without a destination I'm lost :p Wales or Scotland?
  6. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    To anyone I offended, I am most sorry. Proof my return key is functional: In reference to j6pkp1234's comment, is that a mountain?
  7. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    Nah sorry she's been robbing charity boxes since last October. Jheez, next time i'll save you all the trouble and drive off a cliff.
  8. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    No humour then? Sorry. All of Wales or a certain place?
  9. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    Road trip? Just need a suggestion of where to go chaps.
  10. M

    Not really sure where this should go but..

    Oh, it'll be the weekend after Tuesday November 8th.
  11. M

    Not really sure where this should go but.. what I said to a girl before I got a black eye. Kidding. Due to insurance premium mickey takery I've had my car off the road since June-ish, and now my beloved old dear has stepped up to the plate and said she would front me my premium. Happy days. I'm going to just go somewhere for the...
  12. M

    My First Car - 1.2 Clio

    Where the eff did you get full seats for £80?!
  13. M

    Any ideas why my insurance is so high?

    So I'm a twenty year old who passed last may, got the car last june, no claims, no points, no nothing, so why am I paying 3.3k? Are clios just crappy cars to insure or am I unlucky or what?
  14. M

    Proper Gutted - Hit and Run

    First post, but tbf that made me pretty angry, if I were you I'd seriously do that van over, if nothing to make you feel better. People are so ignorant! Argos catalogue on fire under an engine block works well ;)