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Recent content by ClioRacerX11

  1. C

    Is remote start worth it

    lol i got remote start. the wintec LEA-825 i think it is. Its not worth it, i was really looking forwards to getting it but now i just am glad its got the pager, never ever use the remote start, unless there are sum nice looking ladies near it :D
  2. C

    security advice needed!!

    Y not get a wintec Remote start Remote Pager car alarm. I have the Wintec LEA bla bla and its the dogs, and if you get the interior sensor add on, which i am currently buying rite this minute, then it is a great idea. My Key Fob has a 1200m range so is more or less priceless and if n e 1...
  3. C

    Wiring diagram help plz! Thief deterrant.

    k cheers m8 ill have a look into it, theres sum capacitors on ebay but i got now idea if there powerful or not... :S
  4. C

    Wiring diagram help plz! Thief deterrant.

    jesus, sounds dangerous. Thanx for all ur help i really appreciate at, and u may think im mad but, well, i kno i am :). So where can i buy a capacitor from? Can n e 1 else think of an idea to deter theives then, bcos although this is my first resort, it cud b my last, any other ideas, and...
  5. C

    Wiring diagram help plz! Thief deterrant.

    Thanx m8, I sorta understand wot ya mean, but do u mean just create a circuit ie wire to positive terminal, then to switch then to one side of the metal thing, then another wire from other side of metal thing, to the negative terminal? Will that do it? I am sorry if u think ive got an...
  6. C

    Wiring diagram help plz! Thief deterrant.

    I just need help to wire this up plz, ive searched all the search engines and found wiring diagrams for electric fences but cant find out how to do mine, N e 1? Dont care if i shudnt, i wanna f**kin hurt sum 1. Josh
  7. C

    Wiring diagram help plz! Thief deterrant.

    yes i agree wit the "cant b dun bcos its illegal idea. Here is wot happened: Sum sh*t cut out my rear windscreen and actually pulled it out, they then helped themselves to the souynd system which was nice and easy for them to take. They managed to not at all touch the car, and therefor the...
  8. C

    Wiring diagram help plz! Thief deterrant.

    Rite ive decided to put another sub amp speakers etc into me car and am having a raised floor put in, with carpet over the top so nuthink can b seen. But with my luck sum w**k will break in and try and lift up the false floor, well i need sum help with an idea. I am going to have a metal...
  9. C

    Be very careful who you race... :-(

    Theres a simple sollution i ud definately do if i had a bloody Williams 3 ffs. I cant believe u are even hesitating to do something, if u live miles away and u arent a pussy then just get urself out one nite, not a friday nite :D and go to the house. Very simple ideas to piss them off, get a...
  10. C

    My Valver & Gti Girl’s Williams 2

    That red valver looks bloody gorgeous, wots the exact colour name of that plz m8 Josh
  11. C

    Yes I know.........

    yer go to the RSC forum and search for HAzzy, he has the naples red wit lexus lights look at a post of his and see his sig, looks real nice.
  12. C

    Lots of Leather..... HELP!

    I have been given about 2 metres squarted of perfect condition really dark blue, more like black real leather. Its really nice, and thin and i want to put it in me car and theres plenty of it so n e ideas wot i cud leather? Ive already got leather door cards front and back, and im gettin leather...
  13. C

    Ne1 got this problem

    I got a poxy vibration rattling sound from me sunroof, sounds sh*t.
  14. C

    Serious help needed asap anyone!

    mdjones, was theres a cheap price?