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Recent content by baldansexy

  1. B

    Xbox360: Its Broken on me :(

    did you ever flash the firmware on the dvd drive? because i got that "please put this disk into an xbox 360 to play" crap when gears of war wouldnt work with that particular flash, so i had to upgrade...
  2. B

    OMG Its here at last!!!

    iv got the same tv set:rasp: its immense
  3. B

    The old PS3 vs 360 debate

    Not fully inderstanding the whole 1080p thing going on. someone care 2 explain? All i know is the xbox360 is laced up to a 50somthing inch lcd tv downstairs and lookin tasty
  4. B

    The old PS3 vs 360 debate

    reali? i was pretty impressed by it.. then again mayb im just easily impressed by things like bright lights and shiny spoons :rasp:
  5. B

    The old PS3 vs 360 debate

    3 words.. gears of war:evil:
  6. B

    The old PS3 vs 360 debate

    far far far 2 expensive for a games console. Ofcourse im goina hear now that the thing more closely resembles a PC and buying a stand alone blu-ray player would cost just as much, but even so its excessive for a console. Still looks seriously class tho lol
  7. B

    The old PS3 vs 360 debate

    i didnt think the turnout was that poor. I had a friend pick one up from the local Game at midnight and the queue was halfway round the shoppin centre.. and 2 hours long lol not that il be buying 1 like, i recently caught onto the firmware flashing technique on the xbox 360 and filling up my...
  8. B

    lowering help...

    lookin to lower the motor <<< I dont want to change the standard alloys but I know i cant go too low on them. What seems to be the norm? or what would you lot suggest? Im looking for just the basic lowering springs btw, not a full blown suspension kit, im a student lol. Brand names and help on...
  9. B

    high level output speaker help

    ok im workin with a clio campus sport, have searched the forums for diagrams and cant find a thing to help :S I need to find a diagram for the block that connects to the back of the standard head unit to tell me what each wire is. Realli im onli looking for the + and - wires for the left and...
  10. B

    needing installation help

    now il have to find help on this high level shite lol
  11. B

    needing installation help

    thanks for the quick reply mate. sorry about nt usin the search button tho. cheers
  12. B

    needing installation help

    I recently flogged the old school clio and bought myself a brand nu renault clio campus sport (onli diff is the sport badges im convinced lol). But anyways Im lookin to install my current audio equipment in the boot. I have no interest in changing the head unit cuz the standard one looks well...
  13. B

    Clean Trophy

    lookin pure sex ;)