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Recent content by aceface

  1. aceface

    2.1kW Pressure washer? Any good

    I think they are just re-branded Karchers, so in that case they would accept Karcher fittings.
  2. aceface

    Protection. I need protection.

    Makes perfect sense to me! Up to you what you buy, but if it was me, I'd go with Zaino. You'll struggle to find anything the beats it on both looks and longevity. SRP doesn't have much protection.
  3. aceface


    As said, have a search, this sort of thing has been covered hundreds of times before. Have a read and then ask if you have any more questions mate.
  4. aceface

    Protection. I need protection.

    I had a similar problem with a pink-to-red Rav4 I did the other month. Machined to perfection but them after a wipeover with QD it went all streaky. I just had to keep going over with Final Finish, took 4 or 5 hits on some panels. I sealed with Zaino Z-2 and it's still going strong now.
  5. aceface

    Best bug remover

    Try leaving a damp MF over the area for a 5 mins or so. You could then try a bug and tar remover afterwards if they still refuse to move. Should do the trick.
  6. aceface

    how often can you polish?

    Totally depends on the type of polish used eg compound is obviously going to remove more clearcoat, where as a finishing polish will remove only a few microns. I polish once a year every spring btw.
  7. aceface

    Rain sits on my roof, it doesn't drain off?!...

    ^^^ Which is what I said. Price depends on whether it is a pro or amatuer or friend etc. Some people may just want the cost of products where as a pro would be charging £20+ per hour.
  8. aceface

    Just had 1st play with rotary on bonnet

    Good work! How did you manage to finish the polish down? Buffer trails?
  9. aceface

    Rain sits on my roof, it doesn't drain off?!...

    How does that work? Rinsing the car after washing with de-ionised water will stop water spots from rinsing, but it won't add any protection. And it would be extremely expensive to wash every week with DI water.
  10. aceface

    Spec Me a Step-by-Step Guide On Cleaning My Car...

    Explain? It doesn't abrade the surface or wear it down. It shears off contaminants.
  11. aceface


    Don't know about the SRP, worth a try? I can't see why it won't work though.
  12. aceface


    Not used the Jeffs so I can't comment, but I hope it would at lest match it! Also Rich, make sure you prep the surface well with either IPA or Z-AIO, and be wary of curing times in cooler weather even when using Z-FX.
  13. aceface


    I cut it 1:1 with distilled water in a seperate spray bottle. Try to get one that sprays really fine though, as you only need a very small amount. Just see what you think with regards to the anti-static properties and repelling dirt. My car seems alot less dusty after a few days when using...
  14. aceface

    Spec Me a Step-by-Step Guide On Cleaning My Car...

    Clay isn't abrasive, but I agree with the rest of the above.
  15. aceface


    One thing I do notice abouut Zaino is that it seems to repel dirt more than a carnuba meaning the car looks cleaner for longer. I would also say that it is slightly more anti-static than a 'nuba. I'd also recommend diluting the Z-8 down with water too Rich, as sometimes when using it neat in...