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iPad People...are they worth it?

  6/468 17poo
Getting sucked into the iPad's again thanks to an Apple store opening in town, just want to know from people who own them if they actually use them much?

Ive got a Macbook, alloy one and use it more than anything in the house but use it for more djing with Traktor and music etc.

so for people who have both do you still use the iPad and is the 3G worth it or do they just collect dust?



ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
I bought one when they first came out. I used is everyday. Then, last Wednesday, I bought a MBP. I haven't touched the iPad since. Now, I don't know if this is due to the novelty factor of my new toy. I'll be giving it a month before deciding.
  6/468 17poo
I bought one when they first came out. I used is everyday. Then, last Wednesday, I bought a MBP. I haven't touched the iPad since. Now, I don't know if this is due to the novelty factor of my new toy. I'll be giving it a month before deciding.

Have you got a 3G version?
depends on how u use it etc, ive had mine for 4 months and didnt have the laptop out until today (only because i wanted to upload pics to web, which you cant do on ipad) im always on it, hotmail,youtube,email, ;) its just easier you dont have to wait for computer/laptop to start up etc, i love it and i know the 'novelty' wont wear off.


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
Nope, just the wifi. I bought it to browse the net, email and whatever other small tasks I wanted to do, as my old laptop was doing my head in. I have my iPhone for browsing on the move.
o yeh earlier i tried scrolling down the page, it didnt work, i then realised i was on my laptop :eek:, i dont like mouse pads any more.
  6/468 17poo
So most went for the wifi non 3g version, i dont think i would use the 3g as i have a 3gs any way and use that when out and about!

My laptop is generally my music station as use it for djing etc another thing is will they update it massively next year? suppose only time will tell!

didnt realise youtube was working on it too, what size have people got i was thinking 32/64gb?
yeh 16GB unless you are a game and film addict. i got 3g because my contract dont charge anymore if you have iphone contract with them.
  BMW F31
I have a 16GB Wifi only model as I also have an iPhone 4 to browse on the move.

Also got 2 Windows Laptops and a Mac and tbh I now only use my iPad unless I want to specific tasks e.g. burning disks etc.

its very easy to substitute any other PC with the iPad for emailing browsing etc. Games are good timewasters too.
I did have one, but sold it last month to make way for a MBP... I did use it all the time for surfing but I knew that as soon as I got the MBP, I wouldnt touch it again!
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
i got one and a regular laptop and i use it all the time, mainly for browsing, rdping, comics. But i appreciate some of those are a bit niche
  S3, Polo
Not really used mine for personal duties (because I have a PC and iPhone) - I use mine predominantly for one-one presentations (or output to a projector).

Keynote is pretty essential to me and instant-on is unbeatable.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
They are very good devices indeed. I 'installed' one at a director's house - who is a self-confessed technophobe. Hates gadgets and the complexities of using them. But he was convinced to get an iPad for the home and simply loves it now.

As a device for browsing the internet, they are much more agile and portable than a laptop. And if texting is your thing, the already great texting interface of the iPhone is replicated on these - but made even easier due to the larger screen.

They are a luxury and not everyone can justify their expense. If you can buy one for what it is and not be sucked up into the Apple Marketing b****cks that you MUST buy one because its an Apple product - then you'll do fine. :)

I always use mine. Only really use my laptop to update it, and for photoshop.

Its an awesome gadget for checking emails and surfing on the couch, in bed.
  6/468 17poo
Cheers guys for the comments, think i will take the plunge, just gotta decide to go for the 3G or not and what size!
I use mine a fair bit.
Wish id got the 3G version now as id use it at work more then. If you intend to watch films on it id get more than the 16GB, 32GB is fine, 64GB even better!

Anyone know any good photo editing apps for it?


I only got my iPad a few weeks ago and have never put it down! Only time I use my MacBook now is for converting films or uploading pics!

Well worth it! I got the 32GB wifi only version but purchased a 3 mifi device at the same time which is handy as I can connect my MacBook, iPad and iPhone to it whenever I'm out and about!
  Inferno 182 CUP
didnt have the laptop out until today only because i wanted to upload pics to web, which you cant do on ipad

wrong! lol download the photobucket app ;)

I did have one, but sold it last month to make way for a MBP... I did use it all the time for surfing but I knew that as soon as I got the MBP, I wouldnt touch it again!

I can see alot of people doing this!

If you own a windows PC then the iPad is friggin awesome if you own a MBP or iMac .. maybe its an extra gadget if you can afford it.

My brother and grandad both have one. I love it.
  BMW F31
I've got a Mac and I hardly use it now tbh, the other half uses it for photo editing (photographer) and that's about it.

As for Photo editing, PS Express is ok for basic editing.
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
Just got my iPad. Lad at work won it and didn't want it so I bought it off him. 32gb wifi version fir £350 not even opened. Have to say that so far it is pretty awesome. Will be better hen the firmware is upgraded though


ClioSport Club Member
I'm trying to justify buying one, the main reason I'd want one would be to run our work Citrix applications when I'm away from the office etc. I've been doing some research, I don't think the Citrix Web Access works on the iPad yet?
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
Only reason I bought hid rather than waiting was the price. At £150 off I can use it for 6 months and it will still be worth what I paid for it!
I am also considering the iPad. But is it possible to add a 3g sim to a WiFi model at a later stage or would you have to buy the WiFi+3g model? As I would be with o2 they offer free micro sims with what ever contract you select. So does this mean I could get the WiFi model and then add the 3g at a later stage or not?

Thanks and sorry for the stupid question I couldn't really find an answer on their website lol.


ClioSport Club Member
I've just bought one - come to the conclusion that I could basically just sell it on for what I paid for it should I not get on with it!!

I've just downloaded the Facebook app - pretty dissapointed tbh as it's so bloody small, I was expecting Facebook HD!
You're much better off using the mobile site on the iPad.

The app is only for the iPhone/touch really.


ClioSport Club Member
That's what I thought - going to try it out when I get home. First impressions are good though!
I think the iPad is brilliant. It's lacking in a few areas, some of which will be addressed with the 4.2 update.

I'll be getting v2 fo sho.
  Skoda Fabia Vrs 180b
yeah v2 will be superb. i will easily make my £350 back on this when v2 is released. whats the best case for the iPad? need a decent but cheapish one


ClioSport Club Member
Probably a stupid question, is iOS 4.0 even out for the iPad yet?

Still need to plug mine into the Mac at home, but will run a software update asap!
