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Mission To fix the passengers seat

  Engles Mummy

Ok I am sure most of you have had your seat problems because, the stupidly made handle, where every time you go to pull the seat forward you feel like the handle is going to snap off.

But anyway after having to many lifts & pulls…the handle finally gave him. So ok I thought, Small problem, wont cost that much and will be done within hours.

The following day I rang Renault up, they said sure no problem bring the car in the morning and we will have it ready for you the following day. I was like ok, does it really take that long to fix.

So the next day arrived, brought it in no problems, got a lift with a friend to college all thinking that my car will be fixed and ready tomorrow. Oh how I was so wrong. The next day I came to pick it up, they gave me the receipt and told me the car will be driven outside to you. (I felt rich when the lady said that). Ok so I went outside and there it was, not even cleaned…but ok I went round to the driver and he said “sorry m8 your seat seems to be working fine when we go it, here have a go” and to my knowledge he pointed to the “drivers seat”.

So without flipping out I kindly said to him, please tell your joking, or do I have to write instructions so that a monkey would understand what seat to fix. He showed me the papers ect ect and somehow the “passenger seat” got mixed up with “the drivers seat” common error…I think not.

So went back in, booked another day. The “two” days came and I returned the car, now I double checked with the receptionist and the engineer that it was the passengers seat not the drivers seat. This checked out all fine and I would be pick the car up the next …

The next day came, ect ect…this time I had to go get the car (not a good start) and to my amazement it had be cleaned, they done a good job. Ok as no one was around I thought ok I must just take it and drive away. Stupidly I forget to check the seat, so I got all the to college (20min drive) and when lesson was over, was about to fill the car up with friends and lo and behold the seat didn’t work. At this point I was f*cking really mad…so I left my friends at college and drove quickly to the Renault dealer, stormed in and stated this is the second time this has happen and I have already paid for both times, what the b****cks is going on…

They gave me this completely sh*t excuse to why it had not been fixed, no apologies or nothing. They said to me they could not do anything about it, because as I drove home and only checked it the next day…they thought I broke it.

Ok so I booked another appointment, this time it was the next day, thank god. So again I brought my car there and they spoke to the lady ect ect. She said the engineer will be about in a second, he will look at your car now…finally things were looking up to me…

Now I am not kidding here, this engineer fixed the seat in about 1-2 minutes. He took of the handle and reached down in to the seat to re-hook the leverage, or what ever they call it.

So after six days, £67 inc VAT later, they finally fixed the damn seat.

Yea I know what your going to say, money well spent

I hope this happens to no one else, it was the most stressful six days of my life!

Cheers for reading, sorry it was so long


(P.S, I didn’t check for spelling or punctuation, so if you find anything, don’t tell me cheers)
  Ford Fiesta

OMG, what a bunch of chimps,

I am not surprised though there are countless similar stories on these forums..

idiots, why or why they even need as much time as they say for simple jobs is beyond me.
