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Forum Rules

ClioSport Usage Guidelines, Forum Rules and Guarantee

Last Updated: 15th August 2012.

All rules on the forum are subject to change without any notice being given. It is up to you to check the rules for any changes.

By registering, and by posting in this community, you agree to these Usage Guidelines and Forum Rules without exception.

ClioSport reserves the right to change its policies and rules at any time.

By using the ClioSport forum you agree to the following rules and guidelines:

Usage Guidelines

ClioSport provides these forums as a service to its subscribers and members, in order to provide a friendly, positive environment, where members can contact each other and exchange ideas, tips, information, and technical info related to the Renault Clio. As with any community, these Forums are most valuable when everyone obeys certain basic guidelines and rules for online behaviour. These guidelines and rules are presented here so that you know what is expected of you and what you can expect from others.

  1. Be Legal
    Please do not post anything unlawful, libelous, defamatory, or that infringes upon any intellectual property rights. Do not conduct any activity that may be illegal, or harmful in any way, to people, to software or hardware, such as hacking, flooding scripts viruses or Trojan horses.

  2. Enforcement
    Your participation in the forums is subject to modification, deletion, access limitation or ban, by moderators, at their sole discretion, without notice or appeal. ClioSport retains the right, at its sole discretion, to edit content and limit users' access that it considers inappropriate. ClioSport is not responsible for any failure or delay in taking such actions

  3. Limitation of Liability
    You understand that members like you contribute the content of these forums, that ClioSport does not control and is not responsible for it, and that ClioSport does not in any way guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, legality or completeness of any such content.

    You expressly agree that you bear all the risks associated with such content and that ClioSport is not liable in any way for such content, for its errors and omissions, and for any losses and damage incurred to any party as a result of accessing or using such content.

General Forum Rules

If you break the following rules in any way then you may be dealt with accordingly. This can range from a suspension to an instant ban in extreme cases. In the majority of cases you will be notified either by PM or via the email address in your profile. If you repeatedly break the same rule your account will be at risk of an extended suspension or even a permanent ban (Please note: If a permanent ban is issued this is from the forum and so no refunds will be given for club fees paid).

The rule break punishment system works on infraction points. The points earned for a particular rule break are listed below and these will be added to your account and are accumulative. If you accumulate 3 points you will receive a 24 hr suspension from the forum. If you then accumulate a further 3 points you will receive a 7 day suspension. The next time you reach 3 points you will be suspended for 30 days and if you accumulate a final 3 points after that you will be permanently banned from the forum.

Should you feel that you have been unfairly treated by any of our moderating team DO NOT start a thread on the forum. Notify admin via the contact us form here and we will look into this issue for you.

1. Use your judgment to post in the correct forum section. Any post not in the correct section may be moved without prior notice to the correct forum. A redirect link will be visible for 1 hour. If you have posted a thread and you find it is no longer there, please use the search function first as it may have been moved, if that doesn't work then please pm a moderator online. If you cannot post in the correct section, possibly because you're not a Club Member, do not post elsewhere in the hope a moderator will move the thread for you. If you want full access to the forum please join the Club. Persistently breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

2. Please do not post offensive / questionable images or content - Also applicable to your forum avatar. This includes deliberate evasion of the swear filter. Any such images or content will be removed and a warning may be sent by PM to the person or persons involved. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

3. Any thread with questionable content, including topless pictures, should be labelled as such in the topic title. Posting of topless pictures is only permitted if the title of the thread contains a prior warning E.g. NWS (not work safe). Links to 'safe' content on a site that has advertising which would not be suitable for viewing in a work environment must also be marked as NWS in the topic or post that refers to it, if the post is not marked then a moderator may change or edit your post to suit. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

4. Please do not post pictures of fully naked men or women. We do however allow topless pictures providing the thread title contains "NWS". DO NOT post topless pictures in threads that don't contain "NWS" in the thread title. Any fully naked pictures will be removed without prior warning. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

5. Any post or thread may be removed at a moderator’s discretion without informing the post / thread author of the reason. If you have a complaint about a thread removed, then please PM a member of the admin team or use the contact us form, do not discuss this on the forum. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

6. Personal attacks both on the forum and through PM of any kind to anyone will not be tolerated. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

7. Please do not question or discuss moderation or administrative decisions on the forum. If you have a query, then please PM a moderator. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points)

8. Racism is not acceptable either on the forum or in PM’s. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

9. Bullying of any kind is forbidden. If it is perceived as bullying by the person its being aimed at then it is bullying, whether or not its obvious. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

10. Please refrain from making excessive negative comments. As the saying goes "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it". You are welcome to say you do not like the look of something but not post spiteful or hurtful comments. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

11. While we do not mind users mentioning other forums, blatant advertising or repeated bumping of posts with a web address within will not be tolerated and will be removed without warning. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

12. Posting of referral links is forbidden. If you want to spam your latest pyramid scheme do it elsewhere. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

13. Posting of, links to and requesting copyright material is strictly forbidden and will be removed without notice. Examples of copyrighted material include, but are not limited to, magazine scans, pirated films, games and music. In the event that you have the express permission of the copyright holder, e.g the magazine publisher, then you may post providing you acknowledge and quote the copyright holder. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

14. Blatant spamming of threads is not allowed and any such posts will be removed without notice. This includes the creation of spam threads and repeat spamming within individual threads. If you continue to spam a thread after you have had comments removed you will receive an infraction. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

15. Please do not "Flame Bait" - if your post is made to deliberately get peoples backs up and cause an argument - Then please, don't post it. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

16. You must not create or use more than one account. Multiple accounts will result in infractions being issued to the original account and the new account being banned. Breaking this rule will result in a major infraction (2 points).

17. You must not evade a ban/suspension. If you are suspended/banned and are believed to be using either duplicate or another user/members account with their permission then they will also receive infraction points (2 points). Breaking this rule will result in an instant 3 infraction points extending you to your next suspension. (i.e. if on a 24hr suspension, this will be increased by another 7 days).

18. Non work safe or any type of offensive avatars are not allowed and will be removed without warning. This includes anything not suitable for a car related forum and also pictures aimed at individual members or the forum rules meant in a negative way. We do not allow animated avatars. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

19. Signatures are not enabled or allowed on this forum, and you should not attempt to bypass this by adding a signoff or link to the end of your posts. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

20. Name changes are only available to ClioSport members, and are limited to one change per year. Any name must not be offensive in any way. Your forum name can be changed by admin at any point if it is deemed to be unsuitable.

21. If a thread is a repost, use the report post feature to request the posts be integrated into the original thread. Any persistent use of "repost comments" and "repost images" won't be tolerated. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

22. General chat is a very popular section of the forum, it will contain threads that may not interest you and as such it is best that you don't click on these threads in the first place as you have no interest in them. It is not acceptable to post unrelated comments and spam in a thread just because you are not interested in the subject matter being discussed in the thread. If the thread breaks the rules then please use the report post function to alert a moderator who will investigate, do not post in such a way as to get the thread removed or moderated just because the subject matter is not to your taste. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point).

23. Whilst we encourage our members to be hard working members of society, constant spamming of the boards reminding other members that you finally have a job and pay tax will not be tolerated. Breaking this rule will result in a minor infraction (1 point)

We would also ask that you think before posting a thread in General Chat, whether the thread will be seen to be offensive by any members or visitors. If in doubt, please do not post the thread or ask a moderator first whether the subject matter or content is likely to see the thread removed.

REMEMBER: ClioSport is first and foremost a Car Club, the forum is a means by which club members can exchange information on Clio's. Do not treat the forum as your personal communication platform to talk to your friends about unrelated subject matter. ClioSport should not replace dedicated websites or services such as Facebook and MSN Messenger.

ClioSport Club Members (paid)

By becoming a paying member of the ClioSport Club, you shall be deemed to have notice, and be bound thereby of the rules above and the Articles Of Association For ClioSport Limited documented here.

Marketplace Guidelines & Rules



Safe Trading Practices

Please be advised, all buyers and sellers should satisfy themselves that the other party is genuine by providing the following via PM to each other prior to dispatching goods and making payment:
  • Landline telephone number. Make a call to check out the area code and number are correct too!
  • Name and address including postcode
  • Valid e-mail address
DO NOT proceed with a deal until you are completely satisfied with all details being correct. It's in your best interest to check out these details yourself.

Posting images is in the best interests of both parties. This makes it clearer what is being bought and sold and helps identify any marks.

We also strongly advise against using PayPal Gift. If you use this method you have zero comeback with PayPal should the sale not go plan. This calculator will help you to work out what to pay someone, so they get the correct amount AFTER fees.

If you want to pay someone £10 for a few detailing bits then you pay them £10.56. Is 56p really worth worrying about? That won't even buy you a Mars bar. If those things never arrive or you get them and they're not as described, then you can file a claim with PayPal and they'll handle everything and 99% of the time as the buyer, you will get your money back.

Paying £300 for a set of wheels with super dooper track tyres that will improve your commute time? For the seller to receive his £300, you'll need to pay an extra £10.77. That's very little for peace of mind, so take our advice and AVOID PAYPAL GIFT!


Please remember that Cliosport can accept NO responsibility whatsoever for any deals done on this Forum. All transactions are private between the buyer and seller, and any transactions are conducted entirely at your own risk.


The Marketplace section is to allow you to advertise items your own personal items that YOU own for sale. Items that you DO NOT own will be removed with out prior warning (i.e I am selling on behalf of my friend). Any adverts for a commercial service or connected with a business will be removed.

There will be no "Gauging Interest", or "parts will be availible on x date" threads. Either something is for sale or it's not.

Cliosport is not an auction site and every item for sale MUST have an asking price or at least "offers around..". Any item(s) not having an asking price or stating an inflated offers price will be removed.

The seller is responsible for the accuracy of the advert. Include as much information as possible on exactly what the item(s) is and the condition to save any problems at a later date.

Mandatory Posting Rules

Include the following in the OPENING POST in any For Sale threads created:

a) A price

b) An accurate description of the item(s) for sale.

c) Any threads/adverts created in the "Cars for sale" section MUST include the asking price in the title.

Any derogatory remarks regarding an item for sale will be removed. A person is entitled to ask whatever price he wants, regardless of whether you think its too expensive or otherwise.

DO NOT re-post items that appear in existing threads.

DO NOT bump items.

DO NOT advertise items unless you are able to immediately dispatch the goods.

Profiteering from other members

This forum is a community, which means that we are here to help each other out, not to make a profit from each other. If you buy something and then at a later date sell it on this forum, the asking price cannot be higher than you originally paid for it. Anyone breaking this rule may at the discretion of the moderators and administrators have their sale post removed, further restrictions on their ability to sell on the forum applied, or in extreme cases be banned from the forum permanently.

Problem Deals

If you are having problems concerning a trade, such as not receiving goods or money, then consider the situation very carefully before taking your next action. DO NOT POST ON THE FORUM with a complaint or a whinge without contacting the moderating staff first.

Have you allowed sufficient time? Many have been embarrassed due to complaints or comments made only to later find that the sender has been in hospital or otherwise genuinely removed from web access. It happens.

If you have followed the guidelines above then you will have the other party’s full name, address, email and telephone number. Attempt contact by these means first. If necessary, write to the other party by recorded delivery.

If you continue to have genuine and continuing problems with a trader then inform one of the moderating staff including FULL details on the problem transaction who will then escalate the matter on your behalf.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not allowed to be advertised under any circumstances. Anyone found advertising anything on this list will have the thread removed and if repeat will find their access to the Marketplace blocked.

* Pirated material such as copied games, iPhone Apps, DVDs or any storage media containing same
* OEM software (e.g. MS Windows) which is intended to be sold installed on a computer
* Chipped games consoles are also not allowed to be sold
* Digital TV cable boxes as these are the property of the cable company
* Stock belonging to a business
* Aeroplane Tickets
* Alcohol
* Animals and Wildlife Products
* Counterfeit Currency and Stamps
* Counterfeit and Trademarked Items
* Credit Cards
* Drugs and Drug paraphernalia
* Firearms and Ammunition (Including Airsoft, Air rifles and Paintball guns)
* Fireworks
* Franking Machines
* Football Tickets
* Government IDs, Licences and Uniforms
* Lockpicking Devices
* Lottery Tickets
* Mailing Lists and Personal Information
* Multi-level Marketing, Pyramid, Matrix and Trading Schemes
* Offensive Material
* Prescription Drugs and Materials
* Recalled Items
* Shares and Securities
* Stolen Items
* Surveillance Equipment
* Tobacco and Tobacco Products
* Train Tickets
* Travel Vouchers
* Gift Vouchers of any shape or form
* Unlocking Software

Marketplace Spam

We have no problem with people asking genuine questions about an item for sale or negotiating a better price or deal but please do not post unhelpful or pointless comments such as:

"If only I could afford it"


"I don't want it but good luck anyway"

"I can get it cheaper.."

"If only it was White/Black/Green/Pink with purple spots/Gold.. I'd buy it"



All examples of pointless spam that will no longer be tolerated. Our members simply want to sell their items and if threads turn into discussions, debates or arguments then this merely hinders the sale. The same applies to bumping threads. If you bump your thread then logically someone else will bump theirs and the whole thing becomes a self perpetuating cycle of bumps.

Members who continue to spam the section or bump threads needlessly (including "subtle" bumps) may have their access to the marketplace revoked for a period of time.
  • Published
    Oct 3, 2014
  • Page views