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    • Gally
      Gally replied to the thread Nimbus 197.
      GT spoiler or cup. Not sure what 18 year old's bedroom you found that other thing!
    • Gally
      Gally replied to the thread The New Phone Thread.
      Yeah they're ripping the piss these days. Doubt I'd ever have a contract again with 0% from manufacturer and the abundance of aim only...
    • Gally
      Gally replied to the thread Nimbus 197.
      Shorter shift/gear stick and a better steering wheel. Job jobbed. Also thought the 197/200 wheel felt big, not 1*2 big but still. And...
    • Gally
      M4 > M3 ? Really? REALLY!
    • Gally
      But it's an M4...
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