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Search results

  1. Kelv

    182 manifold link pipe to 172

    I haven't sorry. Going to be a little slow the next week or so, stupidly hectic with a work project and early commissioning stages.
  2. Kelv

    Orange or red 200,m25 Heathrow

    That belongs to the owner of Think Automotive, been down at Pro Line Motorsport for a fair level of work, and that's now out at Spa.
  3. Kelv

    Orange or red 200,m25 Heathrow

    This one...
  4. Kelv

    Orange or red 200,m25 Heathrow

    More than likely to have been Mitch Plowman of Pro Line Motorsport.
  5. Kelv

    Heater stuck on full!

    I have one I can whizz out of a car on Monday morning and post. I can test its working perfectly before removing.
  6. Kelv

    Newbie - Clio cup 172 Ye52

    Cheers Dan, Yep, I certainly do have a few available if required.
  7. Kelv

    172/182 Door Cards

    Door cards are the same. Seats are mildly different between 172 and 182 tho, the colouring within the dots in the seat.
  8. Kelv

    Bolt in cages spreader plates

    Corbeau I assume, nice seats! Couldn't help you on sizes, that's down to your personal preference.
  9. Kelv

    Bolt in cages spreader plates

    What seats are you going for?
  10. Kelv

    The dreaded misfire....

    If you did want/need a pre-loved injector, i have a good few available.
  11. Kelv

    PH1 Airbox.

    Shame, arrived and almost matches the shape perfectly, just 10mm too short. It was worth the try tho ;)
  12. Kelv

    Bolt in cages spreader plates

    If the cage is SASSA, did you buy it from TF Rallye Sport? (Tim Finch). Probably worth dropping him a line and seeing what he suggests, when it comes to cage and track safety he won't steer you wrongly.
  13. Kelv

    The dreaded misfire....

    I'd go with Bloke, pointing at an injector issue. Simple enough to change over, and all too common to fail, just don't buy cheap Chinese copies.
  14. Kelv

    PH1 Airbox.

    Cheers Mike, could well be handy.
  15. Kelv

    PH1 Airbox.

    I'm sure I could make or source something somehow, bit would be nice if they were still available for the ease and simplicity.
  16. Kelv

    PH1 Airbox.

    PH1 airbox's... Does anyone know if the clips can still be sourced for them, would be handy if they are available still, or even cross matched from a different item. I don't really want to use cable ties. Cheers
  17. Kelv

    Whats this plug for?

    Going by where that is, and by its shape, I'd be more inclinde to say that's for the acoustic valve which would normall be honed under the near side headlight.
  18. Kelv

    Jekyll's RB182 Progress Thread

    Looking as good as always Mark :up:
  19. Kelv

    Sean's BG 182 Track car

    When and where are you booked on track Sean? About time you pulled your finger out... not that I can comment, lol 😊
  20. Kelv

    172 Cup-seems cheapish??

    If you really want a cup, I'm going to have an iceberg cup coming up for sale next week. Belts/dephaser being done this week, wheels were renewed with genuine items a matter of months ago, on pretty new decent brand tyres. Good clean example but a couple of very minor age related marks upon it...
  21. Kelv

    Bucket seat fitting, subframes, existing runners, harness, etc. Advice and tips?

    If you need a hand with anything once back from your holibob, give me a shout Chris and I'll nip down and help out.
  22. Kelv

    Pro race 1.2 ET advice

    et35 is perfect fit for a 172/182. I've also got a set available for sale if you are after some.
  23. Kelv

    Spoiler brake light

    £20 give or take a couple of pence via eBay.
  24. Kelv

    Dash support bar/frame

    I only run the upper half of the dash, and kept the frame to secure it to. I had an additional bar added to it across the passenger side to allow fitment of the dash fixings, then had it all powder coated black so the parts that are visible look neat and tidy. Upper half of the dash was...
  25. Kelv

    What mileage is on your 182

    Just checked Dave, tail end of 2012 I bought it, so best part of 5 years now, I miss-judged time. The car is now on the registration K14 BTG aswell. Can you recall what number it is/was?
  26. Kelv

    What mileage is on your 182

    I'd have to check exactly when I bought it off Nick, but I know it was a good way off us even being close to falling pregnant with our eldest lad, and he turned 4 a matter of days back.
  27. Kelv

    What mileage is on your 182

    187k, owned it around 6 yrs now, it's purely a bit of trackday fun... when it ever gets let out.
  28. Kelv

    Trailer hire in Surrey area

    Sorry, been out of the country for a month now. I assume you have got sorted since?
  29. Kelv

    K20 powered 172

    How much was the breather setup from PMS, I can't find it (currently) on their site.
  30. Kelv

    New Box, Serious Juddering on N/S wheel under load. Any Ideas?

    Martin, take my hubs, it will cost you nothing more than time and getting dirty. Give them a try on another track day and I'd put money on it fixing your issue.