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  1. L

    Digitize Help...what i have done so far but im stuck

    hiya, this is a logo for a bar in my town! i dodn't come up with the origional drawing! i am just digitizing it for them! Whats the difference in digitizing it like i did and digitizing it for embroidery
  2. L

    Digitize Help...what i have done so far but im stuck

    hows this guys Hi guys! this is my finished piece! please let me know what you think Direct image Link
  3. L

    Digitize Help...what i have done so far but im stuck

    Hiya guys! i am trying to digitize a badge! I will post up what i have done so far compared to the drawing! can anyone please help! it would be sooo much appreciated! here are the two images! please help Direct image link - Full resolution My attempt Direct...
  4. L

    Price help! Time Belt Clio mk2

    got it done for £140 for kit fitted and all
  5. L

    Price help! Time Belt Clio mk2

    Hi, i have a clio 1.5 DCi mk2. 2003 model! How much would you reckon it would cost to put a time belt in! thanks
  6. L

    renault clio 1.5 dci injector

    would this do, yes/no if someone could please help it would be very much...
  7. L

    renault clio 1.5 dci injector

    i dont know what im looking for then
  8. L

    renault clio 1.5 dci injector

    i have just passed the MOT test but have been told that one injector has gone! took it to a mechanic and he said it could cost about 250 - 300 to replace it! i researched a few on the net and they were coming up at a price of 25 - 30 quid! any help guys! my car was registered in october 2002...
  9. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    aye sure why not mate
  10. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    to be honest i dont see that it is pink! it is a good match, i know from a more perhiperal vision that it is a class job! especially for the price! For those who are slabbering on about silly things! i'd rather you didnt comment! if you've nothing good to say! don't say it
  11. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    yea it could well be my camera as i have it set to "scene shooting" instead of a standard picture! i will give it another go tomorro then with a different camera
  12. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    to be honest, i think its just you mate! however! the way ive parked my car there, the sunlight is hitting it badly! how about ill take more pics tomorro and share them
  13. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    intersingly! a man up the dungannon road, Alistar Junk! he is very very good and an utter gentleman! i have to pay for my mates car tomorrow!
  14. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    i dont use msn...ever! however i will add you for the sake incase i take a wild notion to go on lol ill have pics up tomorrow!
  15. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    you work there for one night and it happens to be the night i pull up! just think, while you were probably having a crap shift, you managed to get a new person to join this forum!!! ME :D
  16. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    :eek: :rofl: :race: course i remember! i always wondered if i'd find you on here! i take it you dont work in mc d's anymore! i was there about 2 hours ago infact haha
  17. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    i never got a card for this site mate! o well you live close to me anyway!
  18. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    i could go outside now and take snaps but the quality would be dark! thanks for the kind comments guys! what do you mean mate! where bouts in NI are you from
  19. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    ok guys! long story short here! i went to magaluf and came back to find out my computer had crashed! iroically i know! anyway ive just managed to get it fixed and i do promise pictures tomorrow morning/afternoon!
  20. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    Just got the clio back, its some job AS good as new! pics to follow in the morning!!!
  21. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    surely mate ill rehost them now, 2 ticks
  22. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    UPDATE FOLKS!!! Car is ready on thursday... now, the final price...££££ wait for it wait for it £490 Im well chuffed :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :race: :race...
  23. L

    got really really really bored.. out with the aerosol! lol

    cracker! didnt expect this i thought there would be some monster graphic on your bonnet or something lol
  24. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    £280 to fix my mates car
  25. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    thanks panther! you've hit the nail on the head there! i didn't do this on purpose. some other people should leave their negative opinions to themselves. if they have nothing helpful to say....dont say it
  26. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    i know i am very pleased with this and i will post up the finished work when ready! could be mid-week of next week Its hard to explain! do you know the way you'd reverse quickly, take it out of reverse and slip it into 1st and take off as the car is still rolling back! thats what i was doing! i...
  27. L

    just crashed my clio about 10 mins ago

    the repairs are coming along well ive got good news! he was fit to repair the back bumper saving me £150 so the overall price for mine is around £650 now i have to phone him later for a price for the fiesta