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  1. T

    Greenlight phone number?

    Panic over. They've been having problems with their phone system. I thought they'd gone bust!!
  2. T

    Greenlight phone number?

    Anyone been having any trouble phoning these lately? I've been trying to call them this afternoon only to get a voice message saying I'm dialling an incorrect number! I'm using the 01277 263 030 number. 118 says that Greenlight insurance don't exist at their address! (shock).
  3. T

    Exhaust banging on sub frame

    I can't be arsed to drive all the way down to Cardiff! Probably just take it to a guy I know who does exhausts. Hope it won't be too costly.
  4. T

    Exhaust banging on sub frame

    How the **** has this happened! This is a Prospeed custom exhaust btw. I had previously bodged the usual dodgy exhaust mount with some (what I thought was) stiff hose. Seems it has broken through the very rear rubber mount as well and is now hanging down badly, as well as making...
  5. T

    Sidelight bulb stuck in headlight.

    Lolly stick with some sellotape round the end? I reckon there's just about enough room to get it in through the bulb holder gap.
  6. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    Anyone have the same bit?
  7. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    The upside down triangular/dome one that is right at the back near the bumper. It's solid rubber with no metal, just seems stuck on to the underside of the car. I don't know if it's something Prospeed added when I had the exhaust done?
  8. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    I'm not worried about the one with the rubber hangers now, I sorted that. It's the solid rubber one right at the back I'm wondering how to replace.
  9. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    It's already passed with a bodge job on the usual rubber hangers and a split one right at the back!
  10. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    Well I propped it up with some hose, but then noticed the solid rubber one right at the back had split - It looks like an upside down triangle with rounded edges, and seems to be stuck to the underneath of the car right above the backbox. I didn't have time to fix it and you can't get a cable...
  11. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    Well clearly the exhaust is still supported, just not quite as well as when the rubber hanger was new.
  12. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    Cheers. Just wondered whether they'd fail it or not.
  13. T

    Crappy rubber rear exhaust mount - MOT fail?

    I know exhaust mounts are checked for the MOT as I read it on a garage wall the other day! My rear one has sagged due to the crap rubber bit that suspends it at the back and the tailpipes (twin Prospeed jobby) sit about an inch lower than it used to under the cutout of the rear bumper...
  14. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    Just a quick bump and some info for future reference. The RT419 is the correct radiator for a 172 (Feb 2000 onwards) from Advanced Radiators: £72.96 delivered (free delivery if ordered online)...
  15. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    The pool of fluid under the bumper after every journey gave it away! I spotted it when it was right on the MIN line.
  16. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    Cheers, seen that on another old thread. I still wouldn't know what I'm doing though! :o It's never been below MIN mark so should be fine.
  17. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    Cheers Christophe. Will get it replaced next week. Won't try myself as I have no clue what I'm doing.
  18. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    I'm going to try Advanced Radiators who have them at £73 delivered. I would have a go myself but I don't trust myself not to c**k it up somehow.
  19. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    Cheers will try some Radweld first. Stupid question cos I've not used it before but where does it go in, in the fluid reservoir?
  20. T

    Doh! New radiator.

    Mine's leaking :( (52 plate 172 with A/C) It's not leaking much, maybe losing a centimetre or so of fluid from the reservoir every time I drive it (only seems to leak after being driven then stops). Just been topping it up with water for the last couple of days. I've been told by the local...
  21. T

    quick water/antifreeze level question

    Bumping this as I have a small pool of coolant on the drivers side of the bumper and a below MIN level in the bottle. Obviously a leak somewhere. I take it you need to get underneath to properly check for any leaks etc, as I can only just see a small bit of wetness at the bottom of the engine...
  22. T

    MOT failed - god damn it!

    Yeah I had to do it on my Pug306DT and it worked. I remember some mechanic telling me if that still doesn't work then changing the plugs can help too?
  23. T

    MOT failed - god damn it!

    Italian tune up = A good thrashing! Old Fiats and Alfa's etc used to be designed to be revved and invariably carboned up after a while and started running rough. So dealers would take them out and rev the hell out of them until all the crud had been blown out the exhaust. Then they used to...
  24. T

    Strange Whistle

    I noticed a slight progressive whistle today after by Cam/Aux belts were changed.
  25. T

    Shift Light Variance

    Mine takes at least 15mins to be fully wamed up. I can tell the difference when you put your foot down if you do it after 5mins then 15mins. Reva a lot free'er. I've hit the limiter a few times in 2nd and 3rd but never notice the light come on.
  26. T

    EBC brake pads

    You can get EBC Greenstuff front pads for £57.50 delivered from Yozzasport: That's about the cheapest price you'll find delivered. Most places charge that price PLUS delivery. And you'll be...
  27. T

    Fitting pro-lines

    Look under the side skirt and on the metal bit there'll be a couple of notches with a small cutaway bit. Jack it there.