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  1. S

    AKTIS Report

    My Cups going into Renault Wolverhampton this Friday to have the front splitter finally fitted and a few other things looked at. Does anyone know if Renault are suppossed to rectify any of the problems highlighted in the AKTIS Report and if so will I need to point this out to them.
  2. S

    Something else missing on my Cup

    Had my Cup since Nov 02. About 3 months ago noticed front splitter was missing. Still waiting for Renault to sort me out. Now I think Ive noticed something else missing. Could somebody tell me wether there should be some kind of cover below the glove comparment. Just below the compartment door...
  3. S

    Cup Front Splitter - Again !!!!!!!

    Sorry for postin this, but could anybody tell me if my Cup should have come with a front splitter. Got the car in November and have only just noticed it was missing......Doh! Are Renault obliged to fit me one for free or can they tell me to go and mailto:F*@k">F*@k myself
  4. S

    Cup - Throttle response

    Driving the Cup over the weekend when I noticed a difference in throttle response when in fourth gear. In gears 1-3 the response is immediate but in fourth there seems to be a dead band for the first couple of cms of travel. As anyone else experienced this? I would nt mind a reply before I take...
  5. S

    Cup vs BMW 330. What u think

    Coming home from work yesterday waiting at an island that led onto dual carriageway, BMW 330 pulls up alongside me. I could see the driver out of the corner of my eye checkin out the Cup. Now Ive only done 300 miles in it so far so was nt lookin to take him on. As soon as there was a gap in the...
  6. S

    Cup vs BMW 330. What u think

    Coming home from work yesterday waiting at an island that led onto dual carriageway, BMW 330 pulls up alongside me. I could see the driver out of the corner of my eye checkin out the Cup. Now Ive only done 300 miles in it so far so was nt lookin to take him on. As soon as there was a gap in the...
  7. S

    Alarm/Immobiliser Wiring diagrams

    Does anyone out there have any info on the alarm and immobiliser fitted to the 172/Cup or know where to get it from. I need it for a project that Im working on and any diagrams would make my task a lot simpler. Thanks
  8. S

    Clio Cup - How long b4 delivery

    Ordered a Cup about a week ago and was told it would take about 8 weeks to arrive. How long did u guys out there have to wait? 8 weeks is oh so long.
  9. S

    Clio Cup - How long b4 delivery

    Ordered a Cup about a week ago and was told it would take about 8 weeks to arrive. How long did u guys out there have to wait? 8 weeks is oh so long.
  10. S

    Clio Cup - Have a chosen right

    Ive just ordered a Clio Cup, have i a made the right choice? I thought about goin for the Pug 206 180, but after testin the Gti was not impressed with the handlin. Any u guys out there got a Cup?
  11. S

    Clio Cup - Have a chosen right

    Ive just ordered a Clio Cup, have i a made the right choice? I thought about goin for the Pug 206 180, but after testin the Gti was not impressed with the handlin. Any u guys out there got a Cup?