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Recent content by sting

  1. sting

    Another German Daily... BMW E30 iS

    Yeah i bought it as it was. Only addition i made was the fitting of a l.s.d. I probably spent a small fortune on maintanece & servicing bits & bobs. It was a really clean car when i sold it. Im thinking you should defo keep the splitter just maybe paint it white again like it was.
  2. sting

    Another German Daily... BMW E30 iS

    How random! I used to potter around in this. Going back a good 5 years now. This is how she looked when in my possession. Sorry about the poor quality photos i think they were taken with a antique camara phone. If you ever fancy selling it, let me know. Its the only car I've ever...
  3. sting

    G25 + GameRacer + Day off work + Win

    TBH I'm a little blown away by it. Apart from not having a sensation of speed, its pretty much the closest you can come to driving a car in your front room. The only things left to do is get a decent PC & maybe do the brake pedal mod. Bit gutted it don't work with the 360 tho.
  4. sting

    G25 + GameRacer + Day off work + Win

    Just thought id share my new little toy with you all. Ive had the G25 for a while now & although i knew it was a epic wheel, it just didn't seem quite right using it at a desk. So i bit the bullet & forked out for a proper chair. I have to say its prob the best £150 Ive spent in a long time...
  5. sting

    Fcuk me sideways

    foDcLUhUKqI Oh my!!!!!!
  6. sting

    Carbon bonnet photoshop pleaseee

    My effort........ I Personally Quite like it
  7. sting

    Had A Little Play With Photoshop

    Thanks guys. Not sure whats happening with the carbon fiber. When you single the layer out it looks more grey/black. But when you include the rest of the image it looks green. It looks worse like this. Ive only watched a few guides on YouTube. Any body know of any proper guides that...
  8. sting

    Had A Little Play With Photoshop

    Hey Everyone. Had a little play with my recently acquired photoshop, just thought id see what you guys think of my efforts. Fell free to ad yours. Before After
  9. sting

    Photoshop request please

    I hope these help. You will have to excuse my photoshop skills (or lack of), Ive only had it for about a week.
  10. sting

    air con smells??

    Any decent garage should be able to disinfect it. Not sure how much it is, got mine done foc :) Smelt like mouldy cigarettes before, now it smells of roses.
  11. sting

    Longlife exhausts

    Hi All I was just wandering if anyone has any experience with these. Somebody said they can make you a exhaust that's as quiet as a standard system but is made of stainless steel & carries a lifetime guarantee. I'm just waiting for them to get back to me with a quote for a 182 system.
  12. sting


    I'm dreading doing this. I found this link: Might be of use to you. Apparently a steamer dose the trick.
  13. sting

    HELP!!! Deep scratches on my 172cup

    If that was my car I wouldn't be going any where near it with a spry can. What you need is a large bottle of touch up paint & high quality lacquer. Get your self a high quality, small, fine paint brush. Then slowly begin to fill the scratch with the colored paint. Do this small layers at a...
  14. sting

    182 with cup packs - Steering all over the road

    You would be surprised. I just changed both rear shocks on mine. Its a 54 plate ff 182 & it had only done 35k. 1 Rear shock was seized solid with no signs of leakage the other was fine. Rear shocks cost £50 give or take from Renault. It was behaving just like you describe, It now drives...
  15. sting

    White wheels, YES or NO!!!!

    Would look awesome but will be a nightmare to keep clean. Do it.