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Recent content by bonelorry

  1. B

    Newbie from sheffield

    I know the roads v.well too! Yes i recognise it, I hear it most nights! Its not that hard.....cmon chris Broadhead, Who lives on the next road from you and fires fireworks at your house every year.
  2. B

    Newbie from sheffield

    Yes he has a 205, Its a small world isnt it! Sadly the lad who bought it off me gave it nothing but abuse which was a shame is it was pretty stunning condition wise, He lived near to my work so i saw it everynow and again with fresh scratches/scuffs and now Fox has it.
  3. B

    Newbie from sheffield

    I recognise your name off the pug forum... Haha, Was a decent car but a little twitchy on the limit :D I got the car off a few years ago, It was well known rallye off a chap called Al_rallye from west yorks who then bought a silver 182 and now owns a cliosport 197 i...
  4. B

    Newbie from sheffield

    Thanks for the heads up, Its muchly appreciated :) A trophy would be nice but id have to sell my runabout motor first to afford one whereas i could easily afford a good 182 now and then when i sell the bmw have a few grand left to spend on essentials ;) I really like what you have done with...
  5. B

    Newbie from sheffield

    Thanks :) Luke is his name or The boosh on here, He is a top lad been coming to our place for a good year now for his tyres and we always have a good chinwag about cars. Cheers, Ive had quite a few jap turbo cars such as 200sx's, Mr2 turbos etc but theyre only any good in a straight line...
  6. B

    Newbie from sheffield

    Hello everybody, My names simon and im from sheffield, I have quite a few interests ranging from music, eating out, socialising and having a good laugh but my main interest is cars and and i have had a fair few (26) :lolup: since i started driving 5 years ago back in 2005. Im quite anal when...