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Recent content by Annouk

  1. A

    Games your most looking forward to..

    Spore :)
  2. A

    Sky HD, Sky+ Sky Mulitroom = HELP!

    Waiting for it to come down in price as well, just not enough channels showing stuff I want to watch to justify the outlay yet... The tv is there ready and waiting so they just gotta get the rest sorted and my order will be placed!
  3. A

    How stupid are renault

    Only got my car about a fortnight ago from a Renault dealer and had arranged for it to go back up to get a few minor things replaced (rear tyre and engine cover needed replaced along with cigarette lighter which looked like it had been used by someone who smoked 40 a day in their car!). They...
  4. A

    Got a phone call from the military police today..

    Agreed :) The only way I would accept someone's offer to pay is if the police are there at the time in which case you can ask them to make a note of the agreement giving you some comeback if the guy changes his mind later.
  5. A

    What's your best Insurance Quote for your 182?

    £760 a year with Axa but will come down in Jan when I renew as I'll be 25 then :)
  6. A

    182 insurance

    Axa Direct for mine at the mo ~£700 but I will be looking around once it is up at the end of Jan.
  7. A

    Has anyone had/claimed on a policy with...

    I've been insured with Axa for a while, and am staying with them for my new 182 and like you say, they came out alot lower for me than any other quotes I was given. They are also insuring me on the 182 early since they normally wouldn't touch me til I'm over 25 so I like them :)
  8. A

    Shopping Basket at Halfords

    Once we get the house finished (just moved in a few months ago so still painting and decorating) I will hopefully be getting two more kittens which will of course be trained as Security Personnel to guard the Clio....
  9. A

    Shopping Basket at Halfords

    Lookin good :) Nice kitty as well btw!
  10. A

    Shopping Basket at Halfords

    Just the advice I needed! I just bought my Inferno Orange 182 and wanted to know how to keep it looking fantastic! Only thing I would ask is does anyone have a preference of what to use interior-wise?